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Conference Reports

Corporate social responsibility on EU agenda

Celia Moore 1 March 2002 For Subscribers

The EU conference on corporate social responsibility (CSR) in Brussels on 27-28 November was a first-of-its kind dialogue. It drew almost a thousand delegates from trades unions, NGOs, the socially responsible investment (SRI) community, consultants …

Embracing corporate citizenship post September 11

Laura Maxwell Stuart and Gertrud Lomas 1 March 2002 For Subscribers

In November last year, over 900 delegates journeyed from various parts of the world to Seattle, despite it being a matter of weeks after the dreadful events of September 11.  That fateful day, and its …

INSP – ‘Venturesome thinking’ on INSP agenda

Alliance magazine 1 March 2002 For Subscribers

The first working group meetings have all focused on defining terms and outlining the programme of work. Working Group 4 agreed that the central purpose of the group should be to encourage more effective and …

US foundations explore ‘futures’ for philanthropy

Caroline Hartnell 1 March 2002 For Subscribers

Overheard comment on the opening plenary at last year’s Council on Foundations conference, addressed by UN Secretary General Kofi Annan: ‘Doesn’t Kofi Annan get it? Most of us don’t do international.’ Perhaps luckily for the …

Finding the holy grail in Budapest?

Caroline Hartnell 1 December 2001 For Subscribers

Why does a venture capitalist back into a room? Because he wants to see the exit before going in? Is the move from venture capitalism to venture philanthropy the answer to the problem of non-profit …

CIVICUS Civil Society Index unveiled

Caroline Hartnell 1 December 2001 For Subscribers

The all-bells-and-whistles, high-tech, interactive presentation of the CIVICUS Index on Civil Society was one of the scheduled highlights of the Assembly. While the technology certainly worked, it was probably not the best way to demonstrate …

Grantmakers East Group urged to take Chinese medicine approach

Andrew Kingman 1 December 2001 For Subscribers

By general consensus this sixth annual meeting of Grantmakers East Group (GEG), held in Bucharest and hosted by the Romanian Donors Forum, was the best yet. Why? One significant factor, I suspect, was the decision …

And what car do you drive?

Caroline Hartnell 1 March 2001 For Subscribers

Why should local people trust NGOs? As long as they are seen largely as rich, foreign-funded organizations that exist to further their own interests, with no guarantee that the money will reach the intended beneficiaries, …

CSR now firmly on the European business agenda

Celia Moore 1 March 2001 For Subscribers

Attending the first European convention on corporate social responsibility (CSR) made me aware how quickly CSR has moved on to the agenda in Europe and how fast it is being assimilated into European business practice. …

US companies embrace CSR as ‘soul of the corporation’

Amanda Blakeley 1 March 2001 For Subscribers

One thing last year’s BSR conference made clear is that thinking among US companies about corporate social responsibility has now moved  beyond the ‘why’ to the ‘how’ stage. The emphasis is firmly on human values …