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Conference Reports

In search of a broader vision?

Alliance magazine 1 September 2003 For Subscribers

Can over-precise definitions stifle innovation and creativity, asked Shannon Lawder of the Mott Foundation, summing up at the end of the Sixth Networking Meeting of the Community Philanthropy Initiative in Lisbon at the end of …

Is there a will?

John Heller 1 September 2003 For Subscribers

Can foundations help society become more just? How can they address the underlying causes of poverty and injustice? Seeking answers to these questions brought 33 foundation leaders to the very heart of philanthropy’s promise, and …

Testing foreign waters?

Caroline Hartnell 1 June 2003 For Subscribers

‘European foundations taking leadership on global issues’ was the title of the second European Foundation Leaders Summit, held in Brussels at the beginning of April. With the best will in the world (which one can’t …

INSP – The ‘how to’ and the ‘who to’ of dissemination

Caroline Hartnell 1 June 2003 For Subscribers

Last year’s INSP plenary meeting in Heidelberg[1] failed to arrive at a clear definition of strategic philanthropy. Inevitably, this year’s plenary meeting at Long Island, New York, on 12-14 March was still grappling with the …

Gw/oB’s message to US donors: ‘This is nuts’

Caroline Hartnell 1 March 2003 For Subscribers

Event Grantmakers Without Borders 2002 Conference Date 17-19 November 2002 Venue Washington DC Theme Funding a World that Works for Everyone: Global Social Change Philanthropy ‘Today, less than 2 per cent of US giving supports …

INSP – From ideas to products in 2003

Alliance magazine 1 March 2003 For Subscribers

So far, INSP’s approach has mainly involved bringing together experts on philanthropy in four working groups. The task for these groups was to go through a process of self-organization and come up with a work …

En route to WINGS-Latin America

Marcos Kisil 1 March 2003 For Subscribers

The first ever regional meeting on supporting the growth and development of philanthropy in Latin America took place in São Paulo, Brazil on 21 and 22 November 2002. The purpose of the meeting was to …

INSP – New workshop for foundation professionals

Alliance magazine 1 December 2002 For Subscribers

Acknowledging the need for professional training for foundation professionals in Europe, INSP decided to hold a Summer Academy on Philanthropy together with the European Foundation Centre (EFC) and the Centre for Civil Society at the …

Two sides of one medal?

Caroline Hartnell 1 December 2002 For Subscribers

‘Has the focus on democracy and civil society ignored the challenge of poverty?’ This was the question posed at the opening plenary at the recent Grantmakers East Group (GEG)[1] meeting in Moscow. Interestingly, both speakers …

EFC goes to Moscow

Alliance magazine 1 December 2002 For Subscribers

Finding out more about the environment for independent giving in Russia, showing support for Russian donors and the Russian Donors Forum, and working out how European foundations can best work with Russian donors were the …