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Conference Reports

Which way to reform the UN and the international system?

Nigel Martin 1 December 2004 For Subscribers

Forum Barcelona is one of a number of events that will feed into the UN September Summit in New York to look at progress on the Millennium Development Goals, as well as the issue of …

Hearing from the Global South

Lisa Tracy 1 December 2004 For Subscribers

A lively group of over 200 private foundations, donors, US charities, and Global South NGOs gathered in Miami, Florida on 14-16 October for the fourth conference of Grantmakers Without Borders (Gw/oB). The conference theme was …

Grantmakers East Group shifting east?

Andrew Kingman 1 December 2004 For Subscribers

Despite the full attendance at the Grantmakers East Group annual meeting in Sofia – itself on the new border of the proposed limits to an expanded European Union – it was noticeable that representation from …

What role for the third sector?

Caroline Hartnell 1 September 2004 For Subscribers

‘I feel desperate for you Brazilians,’ an American friend apparently said to one of the keynote speakers at the 7th Ibero-American Meeting of the Third Sector in Brazil in May. ‘You love meetings and seminars, …

EFC in the world

Caroline Hartnell 1 September 2004 For Subscribers

Having a prominent international figure speak at the opening plenary does not necessarily mean that international issues will be prominent throughout a conference. At the European Foundation Centre Conference in Athens at the end of …

Is more really better?

Caroline Hartnell 1 September 2004 For Subscribers

Community philanthropy organizations (CPOs), and community foundations in particular, are undoubtedly on the increase. In 1994, there were 34 CPOs in Europe, mainly in the UK. In 2002, when the Community Philanthropy Initiative (CPI) carried …

The UK way of doing business

Carla Duprat 1 September 2004 For Subscribers

On 6 July, over 1,600 people dressed in gala style filled London’s Royal Albert Hall to celebrate the achievements of 14 leading British companies who were judged to be ‘making a difference’ in terms of …

Leading on the real challenges

Caroline Hartnell 1 June 2004 For Subscribers

‘If a 21st-century Paul Ylvisaker[1] came to me today and said, Stephen, this year we should fund major new initiatives to reverse global warming, to eliminate the democracy deficit here at home, and help the …

Keeping an eye on the world outside

Caroline Hartnell 1 June 2004 For Subscribers

‘Aligning for Results’ was the title of Grantmakers for Effective Organizations’ fourth national conference. ‘Alignment’ is potentially a bit of a catch-all, ‘all things to all people’ term. Not surprisingly, speakers at the GEO conference, …

Between paradigms

André Proctor 1 June 2004 For Subscribers

The CIVICUS World Assembly was an opportunity for more than 700 delegates from over 100 countries to celebrate, analyse and reflect on the growing power and influence of organized civil society in the world at …