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Conference Reports

Can we do better another time?

Caroline Hartnell 1 March 2006 For Subscribers

Disaster has been defined as an event that ‘exceeds the ability of the community to cope using its own resources’. Asia has 52 per cent of the world population but 87 per cent of disaster …

European venture philanthropists get together in London

Alliance magazine 1 March 2006 For Subscribers

More than 40 delegates from 12 countries attended a European Venture Philanthropy Association (EVPA)[1] workshop in London this January to share their experiences of setting up and running venture philanthropy operations. In addition to EVPA …

‘Father of modern philanthropy’ lives on …

Caroline Hartnell 1 December 2005 For Subscribers

Event Andrew Carnegie Medal of Philanthropy and International Philanthropy Symposium Date 4 October Venue The Scottish Parliament, Scotland Organizers The Carnegie UK Trust and the other UK-based Carnegie trusts As his great-grandson William Thomson CBE …

Time to be unreasonable – follow-up on the Berlin Community Foundations Symposium

Lucy Bernholz 1 October 2005 For Subscribers

A global movement of community foundations is emerging. This was first demonstrated in December 2004 at the Symposium on a Global Movement meeting in Berlin. It was demonstrated again, and the potential for such a …

Business as usual not good enough

Caroline Hartnell 1 September 2005 For Subscribers

It is increasingly clear that the world will not meet the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) by 2015 on the basis of ‘business as usual’. So how can foundations help achieve the MDGs? If the work …

‘A great add to the philanthropic toolbox’

Caroline Hartnell 1 September 2005 For Subscribers

The aim of the now one-year-old European Venture Philanthropy Association (EVPA) is to create a Europe-wide network of venture philanthropists. The long-term vision is to help create a diverse marketplace for non-profits at all stages …

Regulation on the agenda

Caroline Hartnell 1 June 2005 For Subscribers

‘I prefer to give direct to the cause I want to support,’ said the man in Immigration as he took my fingerprints (a first for me!) in Los Angeles airport when I told him I …

Taking the road less travelled

Caroline Hartnell 1 March 2005 For Subscribers

‘Have we the will and the courage to take the road less travelled?’ This was Emmett Carson’s challenge to 170 community foundation practitioners, researchers and experts from 33 countries gathered in Berlin in early December. …

International Network for Strategic Philanthropy – Who gets to set the agenda?

Caroline Hartnell 1 March 2005 For Subscribers

Is it fair that the rich get to set the agenda? There is a tension in the concept of philanthropy. It needs donors, but they’re not what it’s all about. The danger is that the …

Hearing from the Global South

Lisa Tracy 1 December 2004 For Subscribers

A lively group of over 200 private foundations, donors, US charities, and Global South NGOs gathered in Miami, Florida on 14-16 October for the fourth conference of Grantmakers Without Borders (Gw/oB). The conference theme was …