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Conference Reports

EVPA Conference

Paola Grenier 1 December 2007 For Subscribers

The European Venture Philanthropy Association (EVPA) held its third annual conference in Madrid on 25 October. It was attended by almost 300 people from 30 countries, including the US, Latin America, China and South Africa …

2007 Fall Conference for Community Foundations

Peter Walkenhorst 1 December 2007 For Subscribers

The title of the 2007 Council on Foundations community foundations conference, ‘Eureka! Learn, Lead, and Grow’, and the content of the sessions, indicates a marked shift in the tone of such events, away from the …

Leadership Forum on the Future of Social Investment in Latin America

Rodrigo Zavala 1 December 2007 For Subscribers

Political instability, poor legislation and lack of a clear distinction between the roles of government and civil society are the main handicaps to the evolution of social investment in Latin America. This was one of …

CIVICUS World Assembly

Alejandro Litovsky 1 September 2007 For Subscribers

Accountability: Delivering Results, the theme of the CIVICUS World Assembly, held in Glasgow, Scotland in June, drew over 1,000 participants. Of these, 40 per cent concluded in the opening plenary that the world’s problems are …

EFC Annual Conference

Caroline Hartnell 1 September 2007 For Subscribers

Addressing the closing plenary of the European Foundation Centre 18th Annual General Assembly and Conference in Madrid in early June, Barry Gaberman spoke of ‘a buzz in the hallways’. The conference, New Challenges for Global …

Grantmakers Without Borders Annual Conference

Yumi Sera 1 September 2007 For Subscribers

The Grantmakers Without Borders annual conference drew over 200 funders, individual donors and civil society activists to New York in June. Two hot topics for discussion were microcredit and the Gates and Rockefeller Foundations’ new …

OECD Second World Forum

Filiz Bikmen 1 September 2007 For Subscribers

How effectively are we measuring progress and how well are we communicating that to public opinion and policymakers? Is any of it making a difference? These were some of the key questions addressed by the …

Center for Effective Philanthropy Conference

David Bonbright 1 June 2007 For Subscribers

As one would expect from an event organized by a relatively young and high-impact initiative to enhance foundation effectiveness, the Center for Effective Philanthropy’s biennial conference in Chicago in early March was a case study …

4th Skoll World Forum on Social Entrepreneurship

Caroline Hartnell 1 June 2007 For Subscribers

Where is innovation happening and how do we get more of it, was the question this year’s Skoll World Forum on Social Entrepreneurship aimed to answer. Held in Oxford in late March, it attracted nearly …

6th Global Philanthropy Forum

Olga Alexeeva 1 June 2007 For Subscribers

This year’s Global Philanthropy Forum in early April focused on financing social change and took place in the headquarters of Google. The location inspired keynote speaker Judith Rodin of the Rockefeller Foundation to describe the …