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Conference Reports

Philanthropy on Trial – Notes from the jury box

Gerry Salole 1 June 2011 For Subscribers

Prosecution Mr Gara LaMarche, The Atlantic Philanthropies Defence Mr Ralph R Smith, Annie E Casey Foundation The arguments were good, the repartee lively. Both lawyers knew their briefs and both felt somewhat embarrassed by the …

Where is Griebnitzsee? A report from Germany’s 4th Vision Summit

Michael Alberg-Seberich 21 April 2011 For Subscribers

Do you know where Griebnitzsee is? No? This small railway station on the outskirts of Berlin is home to a campus of the University of Potsdam that also hosts the School of Design Thinking. In …

Inspiring sessions at the Skoll World Forum

Lenka Setkova 20 April 2011 For Subscribers

From 30 March to 1 April, over 850 delegates from 54 countries attended the Skoll World Forum on Social Entrepreneurship in Oxford, an event that is pitched as the ‘premier international platform for accelerating entrepreneurial …

Leadership Summit on Global Philanthropy reviewed

Sue Daniels and Alana Lowe-Petraske 19 April 2011 For Subscribers

The Heyman Center for Philanthropy and Fundraising at New York University held its Leadership Summit 2011 on 17-19 February 2011 on ‘Global Philanthropy’. About 40 institutions were represented from around the world, including universities, grantmakers …

Time for microfinance to reflect, but not too much

Timothy Ogden 18 April 2011 For Subscribers

One of the Day One sessions at the Global Philanthropy Forum was titled ‘Microfinance in Crisis?’ and featured David Roodman, Michael Schlein, President and CEO of ACCION International, Reeta Roy of the MasterCard Foundation and …

Thoughts from day one of Global Philanthropy Forum 2011

Timothy Ogden 15 April 2011 For Subscribers

After a few days at the Council on Foundations annual conference, I’m now at the Global Philanthropy Forum. Some thoughts from the first day: First of all, the GPF team is to be commended for …

Experts disagree on foundations’ role in international development

Laura Starita 14 April 2011 For Subscribers

An afternoon session at the Council on Foundations conference on Sunday about international development and philanthropy’s role highlighted some disagreement about where foundations can add the greatest amount of value. This seems a fundamental question, …

Thoughts on the state of strategy in foundations

Timothy Ogden 13 April 2011 For Subscribers

[Note from Alliance: Tim Ogden and Laura Starita of Philanthropy Action have been blogging from the Council on Foundations conference in Philadelphia, which finished yesterday. Our thanks to Philanthropy Action for allowing us to re-publish …

Giving for sustainable change in the Pacific Northwest

Betsy Brill 12 April 2011 For Subscribers

‘Giving for Sustainable Change’, held on 1 and 2 April in Seattle, Washington, USA, was the second gathering of a new community of global donors – Pacific Northwest Global Donors. The conference was attended by …

DAFNE’s winter meeting

Rosa Gallego 1 March 2011 For Subscribers

On 20 and 21 January Donors and Foundations’ Networks in Europe (DAFNE) held its winter meeting in Moscow, hosted by the Russian Donors’ Forum. DAFNE members agreed to press for the European Foundation Statue, in …