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Conference Reports

Funding for gender, women and girls: An AGA retrospective and launch of a new report by Mama Cash and Grantcraft

Filiz Bikmen 1 September 2012 For Subscribers

Perhaps some of you may not have noticed, but there has been an important change underway at the AGAs. Since 2010, thanks to the leadership of Mama Cash and the support of other organizations and …

Thoughts on the peace through social justice conference

Terry Odendahl 1 September 2012 For Subscribers

This is my third consecutive EFC conference and each one is getting better, perhaps because: I know more people who are welcoming; the theme of ‘Peace Through Social Justice’ resonates; the sessions relate to the …

The opportunity business

Bhekinkosi Moyo 1 September 2012 For Subscribers

So the EFC conference has started with a big bang and one can comment on a number of sessions that have really been insightful and very informative. From the Ray Murphy lecture to the risky …

More risky business

Jenny Hodgson 1 September 2012 For Subscribers

It was standing room only at yesterday’s ‘Risky Business’ session, organized by the Philanthropy for Social Justice and Peace Working Group. It would be interesting to know more about what brought so many people to …

Reflections from the GEO conference: who and what is ‘the network’ really?

Paul Shoemaker 1 June 2012 For Subscribers

A few years ago, I changed my title to ‘executive connector’, mostly for wthe heck of it. It stuck, largely because it really describes well what I do and Social Venture Partners (SVP) does. Over …

Relaxing in the bath helps creativity: insights from the 2012 GEO conference

Robyn Scott 1 June 2012 For Subscribers

Did you know that the most creative companies have centralized bathrooms?! This would be the first conference I have ever attended where I have been encouraged in a lifelong propensity to daydream! Those ‘easily distracted’ …

Exciting times for philanthropy in Brazil

Barry Knight 1 June 2012 For Subscribers

During the recent GIFE conference in Brazil (26-30 March), someone turned to me and said that the discussions at the conference reminded him of the United States during the 1960s: optimism, energy, openness to doing …

Social transformation through football? Sporting mega events now on agenda of Brazilian social investors

Andrés Thompson 1 June 2012 For Subscribers

For the first time in its history, GIFE (Group of Institutes, Foundations and Corporations) included two sessions on sports in the programme of its 2012 Congress – Brazil’s largest conference of grantmakers and social investors …

First Indian Philanthropy Forum to discuss human rights

Luis Miranda 1 June 2012 For Subscribers

Two hundred people in one room to discuss philanthropy! A few years back this would not have been considered possible. But the third of Dasra’s annual Indian Philanthropy Forums, held in Mumbai on 21 March, …

Pioneers ahead of their time: reflections from the Sankalp Summit

Harvey Koh 1 June 2012 For Subscribers

Ronnie Screwvala stepped up on stage. As a highly successful entrepreneur who built up UTV Group into an Indian media empire and then sold it to Disney in 2011, Ronnie knows a thing or two …