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Conference Reports

What can donors do to mitigate the pain of the new normal, asks ASF conference

Betsy Brill 1 December 2012

I had the privilege to attend the 2012 Association of Small Foundations Conference in San Francisco, 6-8 October, attended by more than 1,000 people – trustees, staff and advisers to small staffed foundations and some …

Bigger, more fun and more serious than ever before: SOCAP12

Harvey Koh 1 December 2012 For Subscribers

SOCAP12 was bigger than ever before. Some 1,600 social entrepreneurs, impact investors, funders, advisers and other ‘social capital markets’ participants packed into Fort Mason Center on the San Francisco waterfront by day, and bounced from …

How can accelerators help? Reflections from SoCap2012

Mark Campanale 1 December 2012

The opening ceremony at SoCap2012 came alive when five young entrepreneurs stood up and pitched their businesses, Dragon’s Den-style, to over 1,500 conference attendees. The initiatives included the Kytabu Project, a low-cost computer tablet that …

Strength in numbers and diversity: reflections from the CIVICUS World Assembly

Rob Garris 1 December 2012

In my one all-too-brief day at the CIVICUS World Assembly, held 3-7 September in Montreal, I heard many conversations in different contexts about the importance of communicating with and engaging the public in civic action. …

Impact investing looks ready to fly, so what’s the problem?

Celso Grecco 1 December 2012

16-18 October 2012, SEWF – Social Enterprise World Forum, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. An event hosted by NESsT, with 180 speakers and 650 delegates from 30 countries. Three whole days dedicated to discussing impact investing. …

Association of Charitable Foundations conference

Caroline Hartnell 1 December 2012

‘Financial crisis: responding to the new normal’ was the title of the opening plenary of the UK’s Association of Charitable Foundations’ 2012 conference, held in London on 7 November. Responding to the financial crisis has …

EFC Autumn Assembly

Caroline Hartnell 1 December 2012

‘Foundations and Europe: Think, Act, Change’ was the title of the European Foundation Centre’s second annual Autumn Assembly, held in Brussels on 12 November. A majority of Europeans are sceptical about the European Union and …

EFC Belfast: Where the big ship is sailing

Charles Keidan 1 September 2012 For Subscribers

What may in time prove to be a landmark conference in the history of European foundations has just ended. The European Foundation Centre raised its game and came of age, delivering a world-class conference on …

Some reflections on the EFC Conference

Diana Leat 1 September 2012 For Subscribers

Great session on universal basic income – perhaps in a conference on social justice we might talk a little more about income inequality? From the learning session: distinguish between solving mysteries and solving puzzles, and …

Funding for gender, women and girls: An AGA retrospective and launch of a new report by Mama Cash and Grantcraft

Filiz Bikmen 1 September 2012 For Subscribers

Perhaps some of you may not have noticed, but there has been an important change underway at the AGAs. Since 2010, thanks to the leadership of Mama Cash and the support of other organizations and …