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Venture philanthropy in Europe hits €1 billion

Chris Carnie 1 December 2011

€1 billion, the cumulative total of philanthropic investment by venture philanthropy in Europe. This was the big announcement at last week’s European Venture Philanthropy Association(EVPA)  annual conference in Turin. The sum, drawn from the first analysis …

Can non-profits be profitable? The movement toward self-sustainability

18 Paul Penley 30 August 2011

If you read annual reports from young community development organizations in Africa, you will most likely encounter a new gold standard: the self-sustainability percentage. It seems that the push to inculcate for-profit business practices into …

Time for foundations to embrace SRI, says new report

Alliance magazine 5 May 2011

The belief that sustainable and responsible investing (SRI) lowers returns is losing ground. A number of foundations have shown that, if carefully implemented, the returns can be as high and the risks no greater than …