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Israel-Palestine Conflict

New York nonprofits funding Israeli violations on Palestinians in West Bank and Gaza

Shafi Musaddique 10 June 2024

New York’s registered nonprofits – subsidised by the US government and giving their donors tax breaks – are allegedly sending tens of millions of dollars to fund international war crimes perpetrated by Israel’s illegal settlements …

Educational relief fund launches in support of Palestinian students

Shafi Musaddique 8 May 2024

AVPN 2024: An education relief fund for Palestinian students has been launched by the Abdulla Al Ghurair Foundation (AGF), an Emirati philanthropic organisation.   The fund, which was trailed at the AVPN Global conference in …

USAID scrutinised by staff and developmental health workers over Gaza

Shafi Musaddique 24 April 2024

The US Agency for International Development is under pressure from some of its staff who say the governmental organisation, who help fund and collaborate private philanthropies, has been unable to grasp the severity of the …

Gaza latest: UNRWA on the brink

Shafi Musaddique 6 February 2024

The UN’s largest agency in Gaza is becoming increasingly “desperate” with humanitarian needs “increasing by the hour”.   Its biggest donors, including UK, US and Germany have all suspended funds, as well as Japan and Austria. …

Major philanthropic institutions urge governments to ‘stop enabling war crimes’ in Gaza open letter 

Shafi Musaddique and Charles Keidan 10 November 2023

Dozens of major funders and funding bodies including the Human Rights Funders Network (HRFN) – a membership organisation which includes some of the largest US and European foundations as dues paying members – have called …

Arab world unites to pour financial relief and aid for Palestinians  

Shafi Musaddique 3 November 2023

Donations for the Palestinian people is pouring in from across the Arab world, with urgent calls for more assistance as the Gaza crisis escalates.   UAE Prime Minister and ruler of Dubai, Sheikh Mohammed bin …

Ford Foundation and Australian billionaire respond to Gaza crisis

Shafi Musaddique 25 October 2023

The Ford Foundation is to provide life-saving support and essential aid for the Palestinian civilians of Gaza, it has announced.   Relief will be undertaken by the foundation’s representative and staff in the Middle East …

Israel-Palestine conflict: Charities and NGOs step in. Philanthropy not so much

Shafi Musaddique 17 October 2023

As the human death and injury toll increases with no end to the escalating violence in both Israel and Palestine, the world of philanthropy, charity and NGOs have responded in mixed ways – mostly offering …

Philanthropy is missing in action – again – on Israel/Palestine

3 Charles Keidan 16 October 2023

What should philanthropy be doing in the face of distressing scenes from Israel and Gaza? That’s the question many are asking. Yet the philanthropic world seems eerily silent, paralysed by inaction. I can relate. After …