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Impact investing

What business do community foundations have in business?

Ellen Remmer and The Philanthropic Initiative 5 June 2012

What business does a community foundation have hawking for-profit deals to its donors and other community members? How does it improve the quality of life in their community? How does it promote the spirit and …

A hybrid foundation

Lucy Bernholz 31 May 2012

According to Steve Case, the hottest topic for discussion at the second annual meeting of The Giving Pledgers was impact investing. This puts some emphasis on an idea that was raised at our recent ReCoding …

Message from SOCAP: philanthropy can help build impact investing marketplace

1 Geoff Burnand 14 May 2012

The convening power of SOCAP  hit Malmo between 8 and 10 May, offering dozens of leading-edge keynotes, panels, workshops and co-created sessions. Billed as ‘Designing the Future’, the conference attracted delegates from as far afield …

Global Philanthropy Forum: towards a new social contract with whom?

5 Crystal Hayling 23 April 2012

This was my first time attending the Global Philanthropy Forum and I am not disappointed. The conference theme ‘Toward a New Social Contract’ was provocative from the beginning. Rousseau’s concept of the social contract was …

Pioneers ahead of their time: reflections from the Sankalp Summit

2 Harvey Koh 18 April 2012

Ronnie Screwvala stepped up on stage. As a highly successful entrepreneur who built up UTV Group into an Indian media empire and then sold it to Disney in 2011, Ronnie knows a thing or two …

A very upbeat tone at GIFE Congress in Brazil

1 Elaine Smith and Instituto Geracao 13 April 2012

The 7th GIFE Congress took place in São Paulo, Brazil, from 26 to 30 March with 927 participants, including journalists and press, and over 100 panellists. I will highlight some themes I had the chance …

Is viable impact investment in global affordable housing possible?

1 Ruban Selvanayagam 19 January 2012

Back in November 2010, the JP Morgan-produced report on impact investment was widely viewed as a refreshing mainstream examination of the growing potential of an asset class that works in line with the essential principles …

Venture philanthropy in Europe hits €1 billion

Chris Carnie 1 December 2011

€1 billion, the cumulative total of philanthropic investment by venture philanthropy in Europe. This was the big announcement at last week’s European Venture Philanthropy Association(EVPA)  annual conference in Turin. The sum, drawn from the first analysis …

Impact investing: philanthropy’s new frontier?

1 Crystal Hayling 17 November 2011

Dr Judith Rodin, President of the Rockefeller Foundation, recently visited Singapore and hosted a series of talks and meetings to stimulate and support impact investing in Asia. Dr Rodin joined a heavy-hitting panel that included …

Impact investing – are we finally at the next frontier?

3 The Philanthropic Initiative 7 November 2011

Many foundations share the frustration that philanthropy’s impact is limited relative to the big-dollar potential of the business and government sectors. When Wal-Mart decides to change to hybrid-fueled vehicles, the impact dwarfs most of what …