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Grantee relationships
Are you feeling safe? Measuring and reporting perceived levels of safety of children affected by armed conflict
In the humanitarian sector children are often simply seen as the recipients of assistance designed by others, rather than as agents of change who can help shape how their needs are responded to. In my …
Donors and grantees: where do the boundaries lie?
The recent issue of Alliance looking at philanthropy and power raised some very interesting points about the relationship between charities and their funders. In his editorial on ‘The power of money’, Stephen Pittam mentioned that …
Achieving impact together: harmony in thought, speech and action
In our work at the Gates Foundation, we are in constant contact with grantees and vendors. We all experience a great sense of urgency given the magnitude of our work, which often leaves little time …
More than jargon: using the tools we all like to talk about
We were excited to read Angela Kail’s recent post on New Philanthropy Capital’s theory of change (TOC) report, in particular because we were preparing to co-facilitate a session on using theory of change at the …
Road blocks on the path to strategic giving
Given all the opportunities donors have to move themselves to a higher level of strategic thinking and giving, why do some donors never get there or get stuck, particularly at the ‘getting it’ stage? Why …