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Fund the Front Line: Judging the outcome

Eleanor Harrison 7 November 2013

Of the four partners in the Fund the Front Line campaign, we can modestly claim to be the least well known. To the uninformed, the reason for our inclusion would appear to need no explanation. The …

Alliance magazine: Supporting the ‘best’ or the small and new? How to ensure value for money?

Alliance magazine 22 April 2013

GlobalGiving aims to catalyse a global market for ideas, information and money that democratizes aid and philanthropy. Co-founder and president Mari Kuraishi says that their challenge is to ensure that each dollar counts. In the …

Crossing the digital divide or stuck at the border?

Filiz Bikmen 10 August 2011

‘Since 2002, 204,525 donors like you have given $48,623,013 to 4,256 projects. Wonderful!’ This is the message that appears at the top of the website (as of 28 July 2011).   I commend globalgiving and other …