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Funding practice

Letter to the editor: Trust-based philanthropy is not a myth, it’s a solution

Devon Kearney 13 April 2022

Like Simon Sommer says of himself, I may not know what trust-based philanthropy is. But I have a good idea of where he goes wrong. Let’s set aside the broad generalizations (‘unrestricted funding seems to …

Is the trust-based philanthropy bubble about to burst?

4 Charles Keidan 6 April 2022

If trust-based philanthropy is the new orthodoxy sweeping the philanthropic world, then MacKenzie Scott is its undisputed champion. Scott has turned the institutional philanthropy model on its head donating over $12 billion to nonprofits over …

So you want to do a participatory strategy?

2 Rachel Stephenson Sheff 18 March 2022

Love the intention – but let’s make sure you get it right. These days, the word ‘participation’ – or rather, its sophisticated cousin ‘participatory‘ – is tossed around the social impact space like the word ‘organic’ …

Mapping a sector’s global re-imagination: Pathways for change in philanthropy

1 Vanessa Stevens 2 March 2022

Every choice we make in philanthropy is an opportunity to move toward trust, equity, and justice. There are many pathways for change and when I became a grantmaker at Global Fund for Children in 2018, …

To deliver conservation commitments, funding practices need to change

Fred Nelson and John Kamanga 28 February 2022

The past year has witnessed a surge of global financial commitments to support biodiversity, protected areas, ecosystem restoration, and related conservation efforts. Public and private funding is rapidly growing for ‘nature-based solutions’ to climate change, …

Five insights from advising philanthropists to do good

Nina Hoas and Silvia Bastante de Unverhau 12 February 2022

For the last twenty years, we have been working on philanthropy from different angles in the international development and private sectors. We have also been advising wealthy individuals and families all around the world on …

Funding the third horizon

Cassie Robinson 31 January 2022

Over the last 10 months I have been co-hosting a Philea Community of Practice on Strategic Foresight, Imagination and Regenerative Futures. In September’s session the focus of the conversation was to explore what it means …

How philanthropy can open up

Jane Dodson 1 January 2022

What if… we were all more open? Open to the latest ideas, open to listening to others, and open to sharing what we have learnt? How much more could we achieve? How many more could …

Global South environmental and justice funders join together to launch Fundos del Sur

Alliance magazine 11 December 2021

A group of Global South funders have joined together in a new initiative to direct resources to local grassroots organisations working on the frontlines of the climate crisis. The new fund, called Alianza Socioambiental Fondos …

Are time-limited projects outdated?

Hugh Davidson 8 December 2021

 ‘As soon as donor money stops, the project ends.’ This remark, by Rakesh Rajani, Vice President of Programs at Co-Impact, sets out the prevailing orthodoxy in international aid. In light of this, why do funders …