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Funding practice

Reflections from a funder on the frontline of grantmaking during COVID-19 in the UK – Part 3

Cassie Robinson 13 May 2020

This is the third post in a series of Observations from a funder on the frontline of grantmaking during Covid-19. Last week The National Lottery Community Fund hosted the first of a series of three …

Disaster response and the development sector

Aboli Abkari 11 May 2020

An effective response to a humanitarian crisis in the wake of a disaster will entail preparedness, alignment of programme objectives and managing the post-disaster scenario. The development sector works with those sections of the society …

Reflections from a funder on the frontline of grantmaking during COVID-19 in the UK

Cassie Robinson 7 May 2020

What is this new context bringing up for you as a funder? Here I share some of my reflections and observations 6 weeks into the crisis in the UK. Interdependence That word interdependence is appearing …

COVID-19 and Girls’ Rights: A series from With and For Girls

1 With and For Girls 2 May 2020

A new series from With and For Girls shares learning, resources, knowledge and calls to action regarding the impact of COVID-19 on girls globally. It draws from Collective partners, girl leaders at the grassroots level …

From smart people doing good things to good people doing smart things

18 Jon Huggett 1 May 2020

The coronavirus pandemic is an opportunity for philanthropy and social innovation to evolve from an educated elite doing good to a much broader and wiser movement. My parents grew up in the Second World War …

In a moment of emergency, foundations need to define their roles

Giorgio Righetti 22 April 2020

If I have to imagine Institutional Philanthropy in the future, I would imagine it extinguished. It is a provocation but, at the same time, a vision that can help to chart a course. If I …

Internal communications for philanthropy: Maintaining community in a time of isolation

Donita Volkwijn 19 April 2020

As COVID-19 forces those of us in the philanthropic and global community to reassess what normal is, it’s important to be mindful not only of the challenges facing the communities we serve, but our internal …

Philanthropy and the coronavirus crisis: Making the shift towards a preventive model

Diane Alalouf-Hall, Jean-Marc Fontan and David Grant-Poitras 13 April 2020

The COVID-19 pandemic has provoked an unprecedented state of emergency in Quebec, Canada, and the rest of the world. Reassuringly, we are also witnessing a wave of solidarity, mutual aid and generosity that rises to …

COVID-19: An opportunity for transformative grant making

Thomas Hilbink and Daniela Aydin 3 April 2020

As funders race to set up rapid response funds to support groups hit by COVID-19, there are many good ideas circulating. One that has not had much traction in the best of times is the …

How can philanthropists and foundations meaningfully and effectively coordinate COVID-19 response?

Cassie Robinson 1 April 2020

This is clearly a time for philanthropy and foundations to be proactive in how they support civil society. There is so much that is needed right now, from emergency response funding, efforts to do the …