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Funding practice

Safety and wellbeing: promising funder practices to support partners

Alison Miranda, Vanina Serra and Wedad Bseiso 12 February 2021

Restrictive legislation, targeted attempts to surveil or hack, threats to physical safety: these are only some of the constraints facing activists and organisations, mainly imposed by government and private sector actors, restricting or shrinking civic …

Pooled funder African Visionary Fund commits $1m in core support to African-led organisations

1 Alliance magazine 10 February 2021

African Visionary Fund – a pooled fund with support from partners such as the King Baudouin Foundation US, Segal Family Foundation, Skoll Foundation, and Tawingo Fund – have announced $1 million in general operating support …

Why I fund philanthropy support organisations

2 Peter Brach 8 February 2021

I fund PSOs and umbrella organisations because under the right circumstances the outcome can be enormous. My grantmaking focuses on low-risk, high-return approaches for achieving broad impact. Based on my experience to date, both are …

Business of Philanthropy: IMF’s Kristalina Georgieva

1 Alliance magazine 6 February 2021

In the latest episode of The Business of Philanthropy, Badr Jafar, Emirati philanthropist and Founding Patron of the Centre for Strategic Philanthropy at the University of Cambridge, speaks with the International Money Fund’s Kristalina Georgieva …

30 lessons in pursuit of deep social impact: putting strategy into practice

Leslie Pine 4 February 2021

As a strategic philanthropy advising practice working with donors to increase the impact of their philanthropy, we talk a lot about the word ‘strategy’. But what does strategy really mean? Beyond that, what does putting strategy …

Why Disaster Tech in Asia holds great potential, and how to scale the field

Natasha Rynjah 3 February 2021

A person who lives in the Asia Pacific region is five times more likely to suffer from disasters than anywhere else in the world. Indeed, the ruin from disaster events is catastrophic: over 500,000 lives …

Alliance launches column on funding practice

Alliance magazine 2 February 2021

What makes for effective philanthropy? In our new Funding practice column, we answer this question by exploring different funding models of philanthropy, the impact of different types and lengths of funding, collaborative and pooled funding …

What does feminist funding really look like?

1 Lisa Houston, Ginger Norwood, Patrick Pierce and Rebecca Wolsak 1 February 2021

It has almost become a donor mantra: invest in women and girls. But the vast majority of international aid is allocated without a feminist analysis, and that’s a problem. Feminist analysis is about more than …

Lloyds Bank Foundation awards grants to infrastructure charities

Alliance magazine 27 January 2021

Lloyds Bank Foundation for England and Wales has awarded £450,000 in grants to 15 local and regional infrastructure charities who are continuing to coordinate, advocate for and support small charities working on the frontline of …

Aid spending in Africa must be African-led – it needs a Black Lives Matter reckoning

1 Dedo Baranshamaje and Katie Bunten-Wamaru 25 January 2021

If we use this pivotal moment to shift funding to grassroots groups we could unlock transformational change. While the US continues to reckon with its long-simmering struggle against racial injustice, it is important to remember …