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Editors’ comment

Introducing Critical friend – a new column by Alliance executive editor, Charles Keidan

Alliance magazine 31 January 2024

As we, at Alliance, strive to be a ‘critical friend’ to philanthropy worldwide, this monthly column from Alliance’s executive editor, Charles Keidan, shares new thinking on the issues which matter. Drawing on two decades as editor, …

Philanthropy is missing in action – again – on Israel/Palestine

3 Charles Keidan 16 October 2023

What should philanthropy be doing in the face of distressing scenes from Israel and Gaza? That’s the question many are asking. Yet the philanthropic world seems eerily silent, paralysed by inaction. I can relate. After …

We will never take our readers’ trust for granted

Charles Keidan and Elika Roohi 26 September 2023

At the start of this year, Alliance magazine announced plans to conduct its first Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) audit. Our stated aim has been ‘to better understand how to further our mission to provide …

Leadership changes and layoffs by Soros remind us that – like the Gates Foundation – OSF is family philanthropy

Charles Keidan 7 July 2023

What’s happening at the Open Society Foundations? That’s a question likely to be on the minds of people in the philanthropy universe and well beyond. A joint announcement by the Chair and President of OSF …

Thoughts from Philea

Charles Keidan 15 June 2023

Today, Croatia, a country which lies at the crossroads of central and southeast Europe, and once part of the former Yugoslavia, is in the EU, in the Eurozone and in Schengen – allowing freedom of …

The missing billion, payouts needed

1 Charles Keidan 18 May 2023

An Alliance magazine and Civil Society Media analysis suggests philanthropists could be giving £1.3 billion more to UK charities. But will anyone make them do it?’ Across Europe, there are no requirements for endowed foundations …

Forward, open and global: TPW comes of age

Charles Keidan 30 March 2023

One of western philanthropy’s most elite networks showed it is ready to open up – and step up – to the challenges of the times. Charles Keidan reports from The Philanthropy Workshop (TPW) summit held …

Pan-African and feminist: the movement set to sweep philanthropy off its feet

Charles Keidan 28 February 2023

At a remarkable gathering in Lake Naivasha, Kenya, 100 African feminists, women’s funds and philanthropists gathered last month for an Indaba. Two hours’ drive from the capital Nairobi, the Indaba – a Zulu term for …

Effective Altruism: Down but not out

Charles Keidan 31 January 2023

Looking back from the future, rather than forward to it as effective altruists tend to do, the year 2022 may come to be seen as both the apotheosis and nadir of the effective altruism (EA) …

The UK’s economic turmoil is a hit to philanthropy’s reputation

Charles Keidan 16 November 2022

The economic turmoil caused by Liz Truss’ brief leadership in the UK will have a lasting impact on the reputation of philanthropists. Here’s what the sector can do to turn that around. On the evening …