GivingTuesday report looks at global nonmonetary generosity


Alliance magazine


A new report from GivingTuesday looks at the broad patterns of nonmonetary generosity around the world, exploring community care, mutual aid, and other types of informal giving across the US, Canada, Mexico, UK, Brazil, India, and Kenya.

‘People around the world express their generosity in many ways,’ said GivingTuesday, in a statement highlighting the report’s key findings. ‘No matter where, it is rare that people only give in one way.’

The report also found that in many countries, giving tends to happen through unincorporated networks, rather than registered charities – meaning its oftentimes off the radars of reports. Indeed, in places that exhibit strong cultures of giving, mechanisms are often not dominated by nonprofit groups or registered charities.

GivingTuesday also found that participants in mutual aid networks tend to be more philanthropically inclined in general. They are also less likely to see distinctions between various forms of giving or between giving to organizations and other recipients.

‘If we continue to look at “giving” as being defined as monetary transactions between donors, institutional foundations and 501c3s, we’re looking at only a small piece of the full picture’, GivingTuesday said.

To read the full report, visit

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