Four new partners join Alliance magazine’s ClimatePhilanthropy2030 commitment


Alliance magazine


Four new organisations have joined Alliance magazine’s ClimatePhilanthropy2030 commitment as official partners.

Climate Justice Resilience Fund, Impatience Earth, the Pawanka Fund, and WINGS have all joined the climate reporting project, joining ten existing partners.

‘As we look to the second half of this critical decade for the planet, we feel it’s important to include voices among our climate partners that represent perspectives on climate justice, Indigenous communities, and youth-led initiatives — all with a global vision,’ said Elika Roohi, digital editor at Alliance and climate lead. ‘We’re delighted that these organisations carrying out important work in the climate field will be contributing to our reporting project.’

Alliance magazine launched ClimatePhilanthropy2030 in January 2020, acknowledging that the 2020s will be a critical decade for the planet. Signed by Alliance’s staff and board of trustees, the reporting project is a public commitment to publishing weekly coverage of climate philanthropy, putting the issue at the heart of Alliance‘s coverage.

The ten existing partners of the project are the China Environmental Grantmakers Alliance, Climateworks Foundation, Environmental Funders Network, Global Greengrants, IKEA Foundation, India Climate Collaboration, KR Foundation, Philea, Wallace Global Fund, and William and Flora Hewlett Foundation.

Over the first five years of the project, Alliance has maintained its commitment to publishing weekly climate coverage, which has included opinion, interview, analysis, and news; reported on the ground from global climate summits such as COP and F20; hosted an annual panel of experts that have delved into a specific aspect of climate philanthropy; and expanded our coverage of climate philanthropy issues with global journalists reporting important issues from their communities across the world.

To read Alliance’s ClimatePhilanthropy2030 coverage or learn more about the commitment, visit To make sure you receive Alliance’s quarterly newsletter on climate philanthropy, sign up here.

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