Latest from Alliance


New York nonprofits funding Israeli violations on Palestinians in West Bank and Gaza

10 June 2024
Shafi Musaddique

New York’s registered nonprofits – subsidised by the US government and giving their donors tax breaks – are allegedly sending …


“Societal shift” around philathropists using endowment for positive impact

6 June 2024
Claudia Cahalane

Philanthropists’ interest in incorportating impact investing, both in grantmaking and their endowment, is growing, according to two philanthropic support organisations. …


Nigeria eyes legislative intervention to boost philanthropy 

5 June 2024
Shafi Musaddique

Nigeria has its eyes on bringing legislation in drive philanthropy better into the country.  Benjamin Okezie Kalu, deputy speaker of …


Philanthropy and the common good – download the new issue for free

4 June 2024
Alliance magazine

The atomisation of society, an economy based on competition and growing distrust of politics and of institutions in general: these …


Hewlett Foundation appoints astrophysicist Amber Miller as new president 

3 June 2024
Shafi Musaddique

The Hewlett Foundation has named Amber Miller as its next president, in what is a break from tradition with a …


Global South leadership on climate philanthropy

30 May 2024
Laura Señan and Erika Miller

Discussions around a power imbalance within climate philanthropy are both necessary and important, but have also led to the rise …


Melinda French Gates to give away $1 billion towards women’s health and reproductive rights  

30 May 2024
Shafi Musaddique

Melinda French Gates will donate a hefty $1 billion over the next two years.  Writing in an op-ed for the …


Hong Kong opens up to family-run philanthropies, ramping up pressure on Singapore and UAE

30 May 2024
Shafi Musaddique

Hong Kong will be used as the central focal point for a network that runs over 120 family-run philanthropies.  The …


Trust-based philanthropy: charities need to be more honest, say funders

29 May 2024
Claudia Cahalane

Civil society organisations need to be more honest and open with funders, suggested panellists at AVPN’s global conference session Decoding …


Till the match is won: How engaged philanthropy is like modern cricket

27 May 2024
Govind Iyer

Cricketers of the past typically did one thing well, now most of them are deeply engaged in every facet of …


Progressive philanthropy ‘not prioritising’ Ukraine’s media recovery, journalists warn

23 May 2024
Shafi Musaddique

Philanthropists from Ukraine’s international allies ‘are not prioritising’ the recovery of Ukraine’s broken media scene, according to an open letter …


MacArthur Foundation launches $100 million competition for ‘anyone, anywhere’

22 May 2024
Shafi Musaddique

US-based MacArthur Foundation is set to kickstart its latest search for one new recipient of its single $100 million grant …