Latest from Alliance


India warned it must achieve climate jobs transition differently to West 

11 July 2024
Shafi Musaddique

India must prioritise job creation through a climate lens in a way that is done differently to the West, according to a leading Indian social impact advisor.  Rathish Balakrishnan, co-founder of Sattva, a social impact consulting firm working with businesses, government and communities, says a just transition will mean an understanding of the national workforce.  Up to 85 per cent of India’s employed work in so-called low-skilled jobs, in manual labour for example. He says …


June 2024: Around the world from our regional reps

9 July 2024
Alliance magazine

Every month Alliance regional representatives provide a report on the latest happenings in philanthropy from their region. Below is roundup for June 2024 Stanford Social Innovation Review(SSIR) Japan Relaunched By Fan Li, East Asia Regional Representative SSIR Japan was introduced in 2021 by Social Investment Partners, a venture philanthropy organization in Tokyo that invests in social enterprises. It launched with a print version of translated SSIR articles and original contents from Japan, website and reader’s community  …


Cross border European media fund launches to ‘serve the common good’ 

9 July 2024
Shafi Musaddique

A groundbreaking new cross border European media fund has been launched in Germany, Austria and Switzerland in a bid to create a sustainable journalism industry and ‘serve the common good’. The Media Forward Fund, which started its first funding round, is the first of its kind in the three countries.   ‘The aim is to promote media that serve the common good and that sustainably strengthen the media landscape and its role in society,’ the …


Multi billionaire Warren Buffett to cut ties with Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation – after his death 

4 July 2024
Shafi Musaddique

Warren Buffett, the world’s tenth richest person with a net worth of $129 billion, has changed the way his wealth will be handed down – and to whom. The Berkshire Hathaway chairman will no longer donate to the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation after his death.  Previously, Buffett said that he would give more than 99 per cent of his wealth to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and four other philanthropies run by his …


Ukraine in need of ‘non traditional’ funding as short-term philanthropy ‘exacerbates’ uncertainty

2 July 2024
Shafi Musaddique

One of Germany’s biggest foundations has warned that Ukraine is in dire need of ‘non traditional’ funding models, with short-term …


5th African Philanthropy Conference to be held in Zimbabwe, Victoria Falls

1 July 2024
Alliance magazine

Continuing with its mandate to facilitate progressive dialogue and action within the field of African philanthropy, the 5th African Philanthropy Conference …


Marrakech to host 2024 APF Conference

28 June 2024
Alliance magazine

“As African Philanthropy Forum convenes in Marrakech, Morocco, the theme echoes a call to action. It urges stakeholders to embrace …


Climate philanthropy ‘essential to bring us out of global crisis’, says former Ireland president 

27 June 2024
Shafi Musaddique

Ireland’s former president Mary Robinson has called on climate philanthropy to mimic Irish commitments and respond faster amid multiple global …


US court suspension of black women fund a ‘pushback against diversity’

24 June 2024
Shafi Musaddique

A US appeals court’s decision to suspend a black-led fund is a warning signal that philanthropy faces a new pushback …


May 2024: Around the world from our regional reps

18 June 2024
Alliance magazine

Every month Alliance regional representatives provide a report on the latest happenings in philanthropy from their region. Below is roundup …


Latin American Rockefeller fellowship to develop climate solutions

18 June 2024
Shafi Musaddique

The first cohort of Latin American leaders offering solutions to the climate crisis from across have been selected, as part …


Zimbabwe’s revised PVO Amendment Bill will restrict efforts to relieve hunger

18 June 2024
Andrew Mambondiyani

In a typical summer farming season in Zimbabwe, many small-scale farmers can grow enough food to feed their families for …


Brazil’s local, Indigenous organisations face uphill battle for legal recognition 

12 June 2024
Shafi Musaddique

Brazil’s Indigenous-run, locally led organisations face an uphill battle for legal recognition.  A report published by the Casa Fund, one …