Latest from Alliance


Why Armenia (Still) Matters

10 May 2024
Chiara de Luca

Nagorno-Karabakh, a mountainous region in the South Caucasus, long disputed between Armenia and Azerbaijan, made headlines in September 2023, as one of the world’s longest-running armed conflicts came to an end. The world barely seemed to notice, while the global funding landscape did not shift considerably to meet the ensuing challenges. Although the landlocked enclave was internationally recognised as part of Azerbaijan, Nagorno-Karabakh had mostly operated as a self-declared republic (the Republic of Artsakh, backed …


Climate Philanthropy in Action: Youth Voices Echoing Through COP28

16 February 2024
Melissa Ouya and Alexia Kioko

Climate philanthropy goes beyond charity, it is an investment in the planet we inherit and the legacy we leave behind. African youth are at the forefront in developing cutting-edge tactics for climate adaptation. They contribute new insights, technological expertise, and community-based solutions, which are essential for developing sustainable plans. A webinar done by AfriLab with the youth revealed similar insights. The power of philanthropy, a force capable of catalyzing positive change, finds a purpose in …


System change is both a marathon and a team sport

11 December 2023
Jesper Nygård

Three things are important if foundations want to solve wicked problems and drive real system change: binding cross-sector collaborations, experimenting with new solutions, and exercising patience. And, above all, you need to build trust. Homelessness, urgent climate challenges and continuing lack of social mobility among children and young people. These are just a few examples of the complex problems, that many countries face in varying degrees right now. Problems, that can only be solved by …


De-NGOsation: the re-foundation of the heart of civil society

4 December 2023
Florencia Roitstein

‘We do not want to be part of the system that has generated social injustice, the climate crisis, and violence against women. We want to create new ways to advance our objectives, new ways to communicate with others. We want to invent as we advance transversal, flexible, efficient efforts that are functional to our own objectives, our struggle and that of our ‘compañeras’’. Silvia A., feminist activist from Bolivia In 2022, we conducted a research …


More than nothing, but not enough: UK funding to LGBTI communities in the Global South and East

20 November 2023
David Sampson

This year has been one of celebration and commiseration for global LGBTI communities.  The Cook Islands and Mauritius have decriminalised …


Global food security as a sustainable and shared mission

30 October 2023
Riham Khafagy

Feeding others and combating hunger is one of the most deeply entrenched traditions in the Arab Peninsula from pre-Islamic times. …


Philanthropy is missing in action – again – on Israel/Palestine

16 October 2023
Charles Keidan

What should philanthropy be doing in the face of distressing scenes from Israel and Gaza? That’s the question many are …


We will never take our readers’ trust for granted

26 September 2023
Charles Keidan and Elika Roohi

At the start of this year, Alliance magazine announced plans to conduct its first Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) audit. …


Philanthropy has the power to combat growing isolationism

20 September 2023
Barbara Lanciers

Over the past decade, philanthropic leaders in the United States have increasingly turned away from support for international exchanges, especially …


Redefining Leadership: The BMW Foundation’s Journey towards a Regenerative Future

4 September 2023
Markus Hipp

Through working in philanthropy for over 50 years, we at the BMW Foundation have come to see the commitment of …


The missing billion, payouts needed

18 May 2023
Charles Keidan

An Alliance magazine and Civil Society Media analysis suggests philanthropists could be giving £1.3 billion more to UK charities. But …


Effective Altruism: Down but not out

31 January 2023
Charles Keidan

Looking back from the future, rather than forward to it as effective altruists tend to do, the year 2022 may …


Is the trust-based philanthropy bubble about to burst?

6 April 2022
Charles Keidan

If trust-based philanthropy is the new orthodoxy sweeping the philanthropic world, then MacKenzie Scott is its undisputed champion. Scott has …