Latest from Alliance


Participatory grant making is key to shifting the power

28 November 2023
Deborah Doane

What’s the best prescription for achieving the SDG’s? For international NGOs and funders to cede power and control over decision-making …


We must adapt to and reduce sea level rise 

24 November 2023
Active Philanthropy

 A climate science workshop series by Active Philanthropy: Episode 6  In the sixth episode of our climate science series, Dr. …


Voice for Social Good – Hong Kong initiative for full-funding principle for NGOs

21 November 2023
Pia Wong, Victoria Wisniewski Otero and Angelyn Lim

Have you ever wondered: how much of my donation to a charity goes to those in need? It’s tempting to …


The transformative potential of listening

20 November 2023
Alex Ross

Listening and responding to people’s views and voices and centring them in decision making are key ingredients for shifting power. …


The Earth is a complex connected system 

10 November 2023
Active Philanthropy

A climate science workshop series by Active Philanthropy: Episode 4  What happens in one part of our planet, doesn’t stay …


Philanthropy’s role enhancing early childhood education in Sub-Saharan Africa

1 November 2023
Vignesh Shankar

Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA), home to some of the world’s fastest-growing economies, faces significant challenges in providing access to quality early …


Unpacking the post-pandemic funding landscape: A closer look at global aid and philanthropy

31 October 2023
Jenny Lah

In the wake of the pandemic, what has been the impact on global aid and philanthropy? Has civil society funding …


The impact of MacKenzie Scott’s resourcing of women’s funds

19 September 2023
Leila Hessini

MacKenzie Scott’s commitment to give away all her wealth is particularly important in a context where philanthropic institutions are eradicating …


How use of a ‘Ripple Effects Framework‘ can be used for property purchases

12 September 2023
Ise Bosch

Civic spaces for marginalised communities keep shrinking. From LGBTQIA* free zones in Poland to Uganda’s anti-LGBTQIA* laws and Florida’s “don’t …


Philanthropists must not turn their back on the planet now

11 September 2023
Marianne Kleiberg

Up to one million species are now threatened with extinction, marking a rapid and serious decline in the health of …


Lankelly Chase: what do leading industry figures make of its decision to redistribute assets? 

6 September 2023
Shafi Musaddique

The decision by Lankelly Chase to redistribute its assets and close within a five-year timeframe, after 60 years of operations, …


The SDG Fund: Empowering Local Communities to Achieve the SDGs

6 September 2023
Lisa Maria Castro and Anna Thompson-Quaye

Reaching the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals will require regional and local development actors to take a leading role in implementation. …