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Get comfortable with discomfort

Ellen Ehmke 31 May 2022 For Subscribers

Inequality is a challenging area of work – not the least for philanthropy. Yet, taking a systemic view on inequalities and power imbalances has more to offer than uneasy self-reflection The world’s richest 10 per …

Two years after 2020’s global movement for racial justice, where are we now?

Lori Villarosa, Muhammed Lamin Saidykhan, Tynesha McHarris and Fernanda Lopes 24 May 2022

‘The story of philanthropy since the global protests for racial justice in the summer of 2020 should be understood in the context of the prior decade, if not the past 20 years’, said Lori Villarosa, …

Barriers to talking about nonprofit failures and how to overcome them

Tanaya Jagtiani and Rachita Vora 10 May 2022

In the commercial world, it’s trendy to talk about failing fast and often – and recovering faster. Young companies are constantly pivoting and iterating their products, services, and business models. The business world recognises that …

Funding a movement-led approach to end gender violence in Perú

Chrissy Cattle, Rebecca Hanshaw and Fabiola Quesada-Andrade 19 April 2022

How do you make a difference on the other side of the world? In 2021, the Old Dart Foundation (ODF) embarked on a bold new partnership with Global Fund for Women, investing in a movement-led …

Time to make strategic philanthropy more human-focused

Charlotte Vangsgaard and Mads Holme 22 March 2022

A sea change is underway in the world of philanthropy. The shift is driven partly by the cataclysmic effects of a global pandemic that has wiped out decades of developmental gains over the past few …

Putting power to good use

Bathylle Missika and Laura Abadia 1 March 2022 For Subscribers

Philanthropy is an increasingly significant force in terms of figures for development funding, yet reluctance to make common cause and to measure and account for itself are reducing its effectiveness With $42.5 billion of philanthropic …

Foundation staff, the pandemic and mental well-being

Sevda Kilicalp 1 March 2022 For Subscribers

Ensuring the mental health of staff post-Covid will require a permanent culture change for foundations By now, we all know that most foundations have become more flexible and responsive in the wake of the Covid-19 …

Network bodies: alive and well in the Covid era

Andrew Milner 1 March 2022 For Subscribers

Two years on from the first lockdowns, we’ve all had to get used to not meeting our peers in person. Andrew Milner investigates the effect this has had on network bodies and how these gregarious …

Philanthropy after Covid: what can we learn from Vietnam?

Pham Truong Son, Dana R. H. Doan and Mark Sidel 21 February 2022

Did Covid help revitalise philanthropy and civil society in authoritarian societies, giving them broadened roles in society? Or has the crisis been an opportunity for governments to further reign in and restrict philanthropic and nonprofit …

Caring for the changemakers: Funders need to put mental health front and centre

Linda Bell Grdina and Aaron Pereira 8 February 2022

Supporting mental health and emotional well-being for changemakers boosts resilience, retention, and social impact, experience from The Wellbeing Project – an initiative co-created with Ashoka, Impact Hub, Porticus, the Skoll Foundation, and the Synergos Institute …