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Tobin Tax – the next campaign after Jubilee 2000?

Malcolm Hayday 1 September 2000

The overall feeling at the UN Special Session convened in Geneva at the end of June, five years on from Copenhagen, to assess progress towards the international social development targets was one of disappointment: a …

Redressing the balance: ActionAid seeks greater accountability to poor people

Rosalind David 1 September 2000

ActionAid’s new strategy document for 1999–2003, Fighting Poverty Together, emphasizes the need to address the fundamental causes of powerlessness. The new strategy has necessitated significant organizational change, including the revision of ActionAid’s internal planning and …

Bulgarian winery a mainstay of the region

Alliance magazine 1 June 2000

Rousse Winery is one of Bulgaria’s major wine producers. It has a long-standing tradition of corporate philanthropy but does not necessarily see this as its most important contribution to the region. In an area of …

Charitable giving in Islam

1 Azim Nanji 1 March 2000

Compassion, social justice, sharing and strengthening – all these are encompassed in the Quranic articulation of the ethical concept of charitable giving. This ethic aims not only to correct social ills but also to reflect …

Legal reforms for civil society – a reflection after ten years

1 March 2000

Good laws and their implementation are not a sufficient condition for the development of civil and open societies, but they are a necessary one.  Formed by a group of US and European lawyers in 1992, …


Alliance magazine 1 September 1999

Founded in December 1970 in response to the call for business to be involved in development, Philippine Business for Social Progress (PBSP) is now ‘one of the best examples in the world of a business-led …

Flawed landmark – or flawed review? – A response to Michael Edwards

Lester M Salamon and Helmut K Anheier 1 June 1999

In his review for Alliance (Vol iv, No 1) of The Emerging Sector Revisited, our summary report on the initial empirical results of Phase II of the Johns Hopkins Comparative Nonprofit Sector Project, Michael Edwards …

From producers to consumers – Europe adopts the global model

Alliance magazine 1 December 1998

Until recently donors in continental Europe operated within a model of society structured around producers. This is changing rapidly, as the global consumer-orientated model takes over. Today, around the world, a tripartite model of society …

Forging operational partnerships between foundations and the World Bank

Rien van Gendt 1 December 1998

Since James D Wolfensohn joined the World Bank Group as its President, he has made it very clear that he wants to see mutual understanding and effective cooperation between the Bank on the one hand …

World Bank focuses on tri-sector partnerships

Nigel Twose 1 December 1998

Business Partners for Development (BPD) is an informal global network of businesses, civil society organizations (CSOs) and government ministries, with the World Bank Group (WBG) as an equal partner. On 9 June the Board of …