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Why Ford is supporting the new centre in Nairobi

Alliance magazine 1 March 2001

Katharine Pearson sees the planning grants as important for the success of the new centre. ‘We see it as very important that Elkanah and his colleagues be given the opportunity to figure out the steps …

Accreditation or self-regulation – a question of sympathy or solidarity

Andrew Kingman 1 December 2000

The NGO accreditation vs self-regulation debate rolls on – something we have featured previously in Alliance and an issue which is rightly being given ever more attention. But, rather like the posturing and soundbites of …

Michael Edwards challenges governments and NGOs to put their house in order

Caroline Hartnell 1 December 2000

‘The pampered parasites of the new world order are not the participants but the protesters,’ said the UK Daily Telegraph newspaper after the Prague/IMF meetings. In the wake of Seattle and now Prague, NGOs are …

Self-certification taking off in the Philippines

Fely Soledad 1 December 2000

The Philippine Council for NGO Certification (PCNC) had evaluated 66 NGOs by the end of September this year. Of these, 49 have been certified and seven denied certification. In some cases certification has been deferred …

Traditions of giving in Buddhism

2 Peter Joseph 1 December 2000

Buddhism acknowledges that we exist in a vast network of life, continuously the recipients of the generosity of others. Recognizing this fact, we can choose to orient ourselves progressively to others, developing loving-kindness towards them …

What it means to be a Buddhist charity

Dhammachari Amoghasiddhi 1 December 2000

As a young man I wanted to work for the benefit of the underprivileged. I got involved with a number of different groups. But I saw that it wasn’t enough just to give people material …

How to retail wholesale money

Rien van Gendt 1 December 2000

Like most big northern funders, the Bernard van Leer Foundation (BVLF) likes to support small local NGOs, often with very small grants. Sometimes this is only practicable if you use grantmaking intermediaries. In this case, …

TWO LOCAL INTERMEDIARY GRANTMAKERS – Handing control to a local intermediary in Malaysia

Liana Gertsch 1 December 2000

PACOS in Malaysia provides a good example of an intermediary organization emerging from the grass roots. In 1999 the Bernard van Leer Foundation (BVLF) was working with seven different indigenous groups geographically separated by difficult …

TWO LOCAL INTERMEDIARY GRANTMAKERS – From Save the Children programme to Mozambican NGO

Agostinho Mamade 1 December 2000

Save the Children’s ‘Children and War Project’ (C&W) was set up in 1988 to help the Government of Mozambique address the psychosocial needs of children affected by war. When these cooperative efforts proved ineffective, C&W …

Breaking the politics of impact measurement – from chains to systems

Alan Fowler 1 December 2000

Significant effort is now being applied to improving the performance of international development assistance by measuring the change it brings about. But why now and not long before? And how well are such efforts working? …