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Do you speak Project?

Andrew Milner 1 June 2001

‘Conversation … demands equality between participants. Indeed, it is one of the most important ways of establishing equality. Its enemies are rhetoric, disputation, jargon and private language.’ Theodore Zeldin, An Intimate History of Humanity All …

Who sets the standards for corporate behaviour?

Jem Bendell and Delwin Roy 1 June 2001

Delwin Roy’s column for the March issue of Alliance contained a review of Jem Bendell’s new book Terms for Endearment: Business, NGOs and sustainable development. Bendell’s central thesis is that NGO campaigns are constituting ‘a …

Traditions of giving in Sikhism

2 Indarjit Singh 1 June 2001

Concern for others is central to the teachings of Sikhism, as illustrated by the story of Guru Nanak, founder of the Sikh faith, and his father. Giving to the hungry is seen as giving to …

NGOs take on new roles in Iran

1 Sussan Tahmasebi 1 June 2001

Iran has a long, rich history of community participation. A great many Iranians support non-governmental organizations (NGOs), both financially and as volunteers. With an improving environment for NGOs under the Khatami government, traditional community-based organizations …

Has relief become the enemy development?

Alliance magazine 1 June 2001

Has relief become the enemy of development? Krisno Nimpuno of the Netherlands-Based Disaster and Emergency Research Centre would answer ‘yes’ to this question. He believes that so-called disasters are caused by our failure to take …

Global Alliance aims to improve factory workers’ lives

Kevin F F Quigley 1 March 2001

In response to mounting concerns about the impact of the global economy on people’s daily lives around the world, many activists have taken to the streets to protest worker exploitation and growing economic injustice. Alternative …

Charitable giving without religion

Robert Ashby 1 March 2001

Contrary to what many people believe, religion is not necessary to provide a basis for morality and concern for others. Our evolved history and moral sensibility have given us shared human values and the ability …

Funder or friend – the dilemma for local intermediary grantmakers

Olga Alexeeva 1 March 2001

Increasingly, as described in the last issue of Alliance, international funders are using local NGO support centres to run grantmaking programmes for them. But is there a conflict of interest in making grants and at …

Promoting philanthropy around the world

Caroline Hartnell and Joanna Thorne 1 March 2001

Philanthropy promotion centres, or philanthropy support centres, seem to be springing up everywhere. Two of the most recent initiatives are in Pakistan and Kenya, and we were struck by the similarities both in the country …

Tapping into Africa’s ‘spirit of generosity’

Andrew Kingman 1 March 2001

Elkanah Odembo is a man with a mission. Establishing the Centre for Promotion of Philanthropy and Social Responsibility in Nairobi – a substantial challenge in itself – is for Elkanah only the means to a …