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Treading the fine line between advocacy and ‘values-based journalism’

Alex Lockwood 1 March 2002

How can an organization committed to civil society values present itself as a source of ‘impartial’ reporting? OneWorld is a leading human rights and development portal that has been balancing life as a non-profit NGO …

Online meeting place for investors and entrepreneurs

Alliance magazine 1 March 2002

‘By building a portal for social entrepreneurs in the developing world, we make it possible for donors anywhere in the world to discover these entrepreneurs, to interact with them, and to support them financially.’ This …

A more global role for European foundations?

Rien van Gendt 1 March 2002

In comparison with European foundations, some of the larger and most highly respected US foundations fund with real global vision. They are flexible, enlightened grantmakers that are prepared to adapt as they take risks and …

Traditions of giving in Confucianism

Lai Pan-chiu and Peter Lee 1 March 2002

In the Confucian tradition, shi (giving) is rarely singled out as a special subject for consideration. It would be more meaningful to look at it in the larger context of Confucian ethical teachings, in which …

InterAction’s PVO Standards – set by and for NGOs

Ken Giunta 1 December 2001

InterAction’s 160 plus members receive over $3 billion in private contributions each year, plus over $1.5 billion in government funding. It is therefore vital that both the coalition and its individual members work to preserve …

Self-regulation and beyond …

Ken Phillips 1 December 2001

Non-profit self-regulation is vital if NGOs are to win public trust, but is it enough? Is external accreditation needed as well? These were the questions raised by two workshops on non-profit standards and ethics at …

Associating for a purpose

Tuwhakairiora Williams and David Robinson 1 December 2001

What it is about voluntary associations and community organizations that helps them create social capital, and is this the same in all cultures? Is the solution to falling rates of civic participation really the ‘great …

A new model for global civil society?

Michael Edwards 1 December 2001

Despite the emergence of increasingly powerful transnational NGO networks and global social movements such as the landmines campaign and Jubilee 2000,[1] there is a more somber and critical mood within global civil society following the …

In search of the ideal intermediary

Barry Knight 1 December 2001

Just as economic developers need ‘infrastructure’ such as roads, railways and telephone lines, civil society developers need infrastructure such as information, intelligence, training, technical assistance and opportunities for networking. Thomas Nunn saw this as long …

CIVICUS at a crossroads

Caroline Hartnell 1 December 2001

What is CIVICUS actually achieving? Is it any more than a talking shop? Would it make any difference to anything if it disappeared? Despite the undoubted success of the recent World Assembly in Vancouver, these …