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Bridging the cultural gap

Heather McLeod Grant with Elizabeth Bremner 1 June 2003

When you hear the word business you probably imagine a large organization employing hundreds of people in suits, selling products all over the world, operating efficiently and effectively, focused on maximizing the financial bottom line, …

The times are they a-changing?

Bob Burnett 1 June 2003

Increasingly, foundations and donor education providers are organizing donor tours (or site visits) overseas for groups of philanthropists. These often seem to be the most valued part of donor education courses. What do people get …

Funding for sustainability – sharing experiences

Jacek Wojnarowski and Matus Minarik 1 June 2003 For Subscribers

In February 2003 the Trust for Civil Society in Central & Eastern Europe organized an intensive four-day study tour for executives of grantmaking foundations operating in the region. The event was conceived as part of …

The times are they a-changing?

Bob Burnett 1 June 2003 For Subscribers

Increasingly, foundations and donor education providers are organizing donor tours (or site visits) overseas for groups of philanthropists. These often seem to be the most valued part of donor education courses. What do people get …

Broad-based reform for Pakistan’s non-profit sector

Shahnaz Wazir Ali 1 March 2003

‘The Pakistan Centre for Philanthropy (PCP) should engage with the new government to continue the Enabling Environment Initiative (EEI) momentum,’ says Dr Attiya Inayatullah, a newly elected member of Pakistan’s national assembly.[1] ‘All governments know …

Perfect marriage eludes state and NGOs in Russia

Olga Alexeeva 1 March 2003

At the time few commentators regarded the Russian Civic Forum as particularly significant. Many saw it as no more than a one-off showcase-type event. Over a year later, we can see that it was in …

Abracadabra: Funding development

Jenny Hyatt 1 March 2003

‘Abracadabra … was the incantation used to remind the Kabbalists of the power of their speech. Abra comes from the Aramaic verb bra meaning to create. Ca translated to “as”. Dabra is the first person …

Coping in the lean times

Caroline Hartnell 1 March 2003

The 1990s were a golden age for foundations, with stock market investments yielding sensational returns and assets reaching record levels. Those days are gone, however, and foundations are now having to contend with sometimes dramatic …

Building a philanthropic marketplace: obstacles and opportunities

Jason Scott 1 March 2003 For Subscribers

Wouldn’t it be great if … there was a ‘marketplace’ that determined the absolute success and relative performance of non-profits? If performance measures for NGOs were simple enough to be boiled down to numbers that …

Foundations and the State

Steven Burkeman 1 March 2003 For Subscribers

‘Charity as ordinarily practised, the charity of endowment, the charity of emotion, the charity which takes the place of justice, creates much of the misery which it relieves, but does not relieve all the misery …