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Capacity building: what it takes from funders

1 Barbara Kibbe 1 December 2003

The nonprofit’s path to effectiveness can to a great degree be defined as appropriate attention to leadership, governance and planning. What then is the funder’s role in building these core capacities or other important specific …

Life beyond grants – reflections from the Philippines

Caroline Hartnell 1 December 2003 For Subscribers

On 15 September, the day after I met them in Tagbilaran on the Philippine island of Bohol, Bill and Aida Granert of the Soil and Water Conservation Foundation were to be present at the official …

Building endowments for girls’ schooling

Atallah Kuttab 1 September 2003

Children in Egypt fail to go to school or drop out for many reasons, particularly girls from poor families. In 2000, 57 per cent of girls aged 6-12 had never been in school or had …

Why will ‘the poor’ always be with us?

Deborah Ewing 1 September 2003

The world is awash with theories about poverty and with policies and programmes to reduce it, yet the numbers of people living in poverty continue to increase. Even if we succeed in reducing the proportion …

A different culture of giving?

1 Theresa Lloyd 1 September 2003

In recent years there has been an explosion of interest in the UK in promoting philanthropy, encouraging new giving mechanisms and looking at new donor constituencies. There has been a perception that they do these …

Donor education comes to Europe

Salvatore LaSpada 1 September 2003

Eight years ago the Rockefeller Foundation began The Philanthropy Workshop (TPW), an experiment in donor education that would extend beyond New York to include programmes in Argentina, Silicon Valley and, beginning in October, Europe. The …

The new face of Brazilian philanthropy

Marcos Kisil 1 September 2003 For Subscribers

Through the political vicissitudes of the second half of the last century, Brazilian philanthropy has evolved from very traditional charity based on the tenets of the Catholic church to a strategic instrument for citizenship participation …

‘Changing the way we do business’ – community foundations, national donor-advised funds and the chase for charitable assets

1 September 2003 For Subscribers

Originally introduced by community foundations, donor-advised funds (DAFs) have become extremely popular with US donors in recent years and are now also sponsored by financial institutions such as Fidelity.[1] According to Emmett Carson, President and …

The times are they a-changing?

Bob Burnett 1 June 2003

Increasingly, foundations and donor education providers are organizing donor tours (or site visits) overseas for groups of philanthropists. These often seem to be the most valued part of donor education courses. What do people get …

Funding for sustainability – sharing experiences

Jacek Wojnarowski and Matus Minarik 1 June 2003 For Subscribers

In February 2003 the Trust for Civil Society in Central & Eastern Europe organized an intensive four-day study tour for executives of grantmaking foundations operating in the region. The event was conceived as part of …