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Is it working?

Kate Graham 1 June 2004

The Nuffield Foundation Commonwealth Programme’s mission is to support initiatives that bring about long-term improvements in health, education and civic justice in Eastern and Southern Africa. Change is at the root of each project – …

Can internet-based marketplaces help overcome the barriers to overseas giving?

Alliance magazine 1 June 2004 For Subscribers

This was the theme of a discussion hosted by Alliance at the 2004 Council on Foundations annual conference. Presentations from Dennis Whittle of GlobalGiving, Venkat Krishnan of GIVE Foundation India and Barry Gaberman from the …

How can non-profits escape grant dependency? New income sources for charities

Jon Edwards 1 June 2004 For Subscribers

Enterprise, entrepreneurship, venture capital, loan financing: if you are typical of the NGO sector – well, okay, if you’re me – such words and phrases send a shiver down the spine. The eyes glaze over …

The challenge of endowment

Luke FitzHerbert 1 June 2004 For Subscribers

After what he described as his ‘eighteen-year self-appointed stint of independent reporting on trusts and foundations’, Luke FitzHerbert, delivering the 2004 Allen Lane Lecture, talked about why endowed charities so often end up failing to …

HIV/AIDS in Africa – an unprecedented disaster

Stephen Lewis 1 June 2004 For Subscribers

Remarks by Stephen Lewis at the Opening Plenary of the Council on Foundations Annual Conference, Toronto, Ontario, 26 April 2004 Thank you for so warm and amiable an introduction. Your Honour, eminent guests and ladies …

Johns Hopkins first East Africa findings published

Andrew Kingman 1 April 2004 For Subscribers

According to Professor McCormick, Director of Kenya’s Institute of Development Studies, civil society in East Africa is ‘under-researched and little understood’. The publication of the Johns Hopkins Comparative Non-Profit Sector Project (CNP) comparative study has …

The importance of international giving

Rien van Gendt 1 March 2004 For Subscribers

The main purpose of this address is to touch on the current status of international grantmaking. I will do this by looking at the European perspective and by looking as a European in all modesty …

Towards a self-sustaining infrastructure

Lee Davis and Nicole Etchart 1 March 2004 For Subscribers

It’s time to place greater value on ‘infrastructure’[1] in the non-profit sector and on those ‘invisible’ infrastructure-building organizations that work to build it. These organizations need to be recognized as an essential part of building …

Building the global infrastructure for philanthropy

Barry Gaberman 1 March 2004 For Subscribers

Before looking specifically at the global infrastructure of philanthropy, I’d like to start by giving you a personal vision of where I hope the contextual reality for the institutions of civil society is moving. I …

Auditing conservation in an age of accountability

Jon Christensen 1 March 2004 For Subscribers

When The Nature Conservancy of California asked Silicon Valley venture capitalist Seth Neiman for a multimillion-dollar contribution to help protect local open space, no one involved had the slightest notion that they were about to …