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Can social entrepreneurship ever be ‘cool’?

Sunit Shrestha and S Dev Appanah 1 March 2005 For Subscribers

Across the globe, social entrepreneurship is gathering momentum. More and more social entrepreneurs have gained recognition in countries as diverse as India and the United States and the concept itself has spread all the way …

Varied but vulnerable: the non-profit sector in West Africa

Kofi Awity 1 March 2005 For Subscribers

The non-profit sector in West Africa is a varied one including groups as diverse as religiously motivated welfare societies, neighbourhood development associations, trade unions, hometown associations, international NGOs, and sport and recreation groups. This diversity …

What would it take to really get global philanthropy going?

Andrew Milner 1 March 2005 For Subscribers

In its December 2004 edition, Alliance held a roundtable on increasing global philanthropy with a panel of respondents involved in the field from around the world. From the ensuing debate, two things stood out most …

Preventing the abuse of non-profits to finance terrorism – the EU response

Siobhan Daly and Helmut Anheier 1 March 2005 For Subscribers

Following September 11 2001, the legal and regulatory frameworks within which non-profit organizations (NPOs) function have been the subject of intense scrutiny in order to prevent their abuse for terrorist purposes. In this short article, …

Local resource mobilization: building the capacity

1 Simon Collings 1 December 2004

In recent issues of Alliance, the problem of how civil society organizations can expand their resource base, and ideally achieve financial sustainability, has been a recurrent theme. Resource Alliance has been working in this field …

The media and international issues: how funders can help

Lisa Cannon 1 December 2004

When Wangari Maathai became the first African woman to win the Nobel Peace Prize, her face appeared in newspapers and on television screens the world over and she was praised for her pioneering environmental and …

Governance for change

Danielle Walker 1 December 2004

‘To change the world, we must change ourselves.’ This statement is not lifted from a paperback self-help manual, a Michael Jackson hit from the 1990s or an ancient Buddhist tome. It is a lesson arising …

US international grantmaking tops $3 billion

Rob Buchanan 1 December 2004 For Subscribers

Annual foundation and corporate funding for international programmes reached $3 billion for the fourth year in a row in 2003, despite an economic downturn, terrorist attacks, and the ongoing war on terror, according to International …

US charities propose alternative to Treasury Guidelines

Birger Stamperdahl 1 December 2004 For Subscribers

Following the September 11 terrorist attacks, the US Government took a number of steps to tighten rules governing international financial transactions, philanthropic grantmaking, and other resource flows from US-based charitable institutions. These included Executive Order …

Foundations, the state and social justice[1]

Steven Burkeman 1 September 2004 For Subscribers

In a paper I gave a year or so ago in New Zealand,[2] I argued that the time was ripe for a new contract between foundations and the state. I suggested that the proper role …