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The Sigrid Rausing Trust ten years on – From wide angle to narrow focus

Jo Andrews 1 June 2005

The Sigrid Rausing Trust celebrates its tenth anniversary this summer. Since it was set up in 1995 it has become one of the UK’s largest grantmakers, giving away over £55 million in all. It is …

Community philanthropy for the future – Recipes for success

Lucy Bernholz 1 June 2005

Strong communities are as important today as ever, but their nature and the way they are bound together is changing. People identify in many ways, by race, gender, place, family structure, nationality, religion, and areas …

Horizontal philanthropy – A right angle on community philanthropy

Susan Wilkinson-Maposa and Alan Fowler 1 June 2005

With its focus on increasing philanthropy and social investment Alliance is one expression of a pervasive concern in international development with widening the array of resources available to fight poverty. But who is a philanthropist …

FIM and the G8 – Not representative, but still legitimate

Nigel Martin 1 June 2005

When Forum International de Montréal (FIM) began its dialogue with G8 planning officials in 2002, our intention was to shepherd the process until a more representative body from within civil society could take over. Our …

Convene, Connect, Endow: Community foundations in the 21st century

Peter Hero 1 June 2005 For Subscribers

As the community foundation movement grows, so its capacity to effect change increases. To do so, however, it must itself be prepared to change and be responsive to new philanthropic trends. It should not rely …

Social justice philanthropy from the bottom up

Colin Greer 1 June 2005 For Subscribers

In an article in the June edition of Alliance, Gary Craig rightly points out that social justice is not just a matter of ends – of what you support – it is also a matter …

Influencing public policy

Steven Burkeman 1 June 2005 For Subscribers

Most grantmakers are not really interested in change: they just want to do good, which need not be the same thing at all. Grantmakers do not, on the whole, question the notion that giving money …

Can social entrepreneurship ever be ‘cool’?

Sunit Shrestha and S Dev Appanah 1 March 2005 For Subscribers

Across the globe, social entrepreneurship is gathering momentum. More and more social entrepreneurs have gained recognition in countries as diverse as India and the United States and the concept itself has spread all the way …

Varied but vulnerable: the non-profit sector in West Africa

Kofi Awity 1 March 2005 For Subscribers

The non-profit sector in West Africa is a varied one including groups as diverse as religiously motivated welfare societies, neighbourhood development associations, trade unions, hometown associations, international NGOs, and sport and recreation groups. This diversity …

What would it take to really get global philanthropy going?

Andrew Milner 1 March 2005 For Subscribers

In its December 2004 edition, Alliance held a roundtable on increasing global philanthropy with a panel of respondents involved in the field from around the world. From the ensuing debate, two things stood out most …