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NGO accountability: control your fate by taking charge of the debate

Chris Deri 1 June 2006 For Subscribers

Civil society organizations have never had a more meaningful role in global governance. They play an important part in a wide range of transnational issues from human rights and climate change to the application of …

Making poverty obsolete in order to build a moral modern economy

Henry R Jackelen 1 June 2006

Five years after the Millennium Declaration and subsequent adoption of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), it is clear that this global commitment to cutting extreme poverty by half by 2015 is not succeeding in the …

Coutts brings donors together to discuss giving

Caroline Hartnell 1 June 2006 For Subscribers

A recent survey carried out by Coutts, one of the UK’s leading private banks, showed that the majority of its clients want to know more about philanthropy in the UK. Coutts Forum for Philanthropy is …

Eurasia Foundation going local

Bill Maynes 1 March 2006

Founded in 1992, the Eurasia Foundation has made more than 7,700 grants, dis-bursed more than 450 loans and invested more than $335 million in support of pro-grammes in the successor countries of the Soviet Union. …

Measuring social change – Assumptions, myths and realities

Srilatha Batliwala 1 March 2006

Measurement – of everything from the size of a particle to the health of economies – has become such an integral part of our approach to the world that we no longer question its value. …

The business of giving

Peter Grant 1 March 2006

‘In solving a problem of this sort, the grand thing is to be able to reason backwards. That is a very useful accomplishment, and a very easy one, but people do not practise it much …

Venture philanthropy – future trends: Good results will be addictive

Warren Tranquada and John Pepin 1 March 2006 For Subscribers

The venture philanthropy movement is evolving out of the incubation phase into a mature and increasingly accepted practice. Prominent innovators in the field have influenced the shape of the social sector and grantmaking practice. The …

Social justice philanthropy: roots and prospects

Colin Greer and Barry Knight 1 March 2006 For Subscribers

The goal of this series is to think through the kind of societal changes we wish to realize through philanthropy and how best to make them happen. Can we learn from history in this regard? …

Case study of a venture philanthropy partnership: setting the scene

Caroline Hartnell 1 March 2006 For Subscribers

In September 2005, Impetus Trust, the UK’s first venture philanthropy fund, and CAF (Charities Aid Foundation) launched a pioneering investment collaboration. This was Impetus’s fifth investment but their first co-investment. It was CAF’s first collaboration …

NGO self-regulation: enforcing and balancing accountability

Robert Lloyd and Lucy de Las Casas 1 December 2005 For Subscribers

Increasing visibility and increasing criticism, among other factors, have led to growing pressure on NGOs to be more accountable, both from within and outside of the sector. One increasingly prominent means of doing so is …