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Why not just change?

Diana Leat 1 April 2008 For Subscribers

‘Social justice philanthropy’ has been a recurring theme in Alliance – but what does it look like in practice? This was the question raised by some members of the Woburn Place Collaborative (WPC). WPC is …

Migrants and their remittances: new hybrids for development

Jeremaiah M Opiniano 1 April 2008 For Subscribers

A hybrid develops when two different things are combined. Clearly, some 200 million migrants worldwide and the earnings they remit to their home countries are two different things. Migrants, the first part of the hybrid, …

Doing ourselves out of a job?

Andrew Kingman 1 December 2007

I remember talking to the Women’s Institute in Youlgreave, a tiny English village, on a cold, wet night in October 1990 about Village Aid, a new NGO I had established to work in The Gambia. …

New partnerships for child nutrition

John Heller 1 December 2007

The headlines from India can sometimes be misleading. Growth rates are soaring, the economy is overheating, a high-tech giant is in the making. While these headlines ring true in the corporate parks of Bangalore and …

Reflecting on civil society worldwide

Finn Heinrich 1 December 2007

In the late 1990s, when CIVICUS designed its Civil Society Index (CSI), there was a lot of hype around the term ‘civil society’ and its alleged powers to curb corruption and authoritarian governance and to …

Leveraging and measuring: how a small foundation can push a global agenda

Suzanne Petroni 1 December 2007 For Subscribers

Universal access to reproductive health. In 1994, those five words became the centrepiece of a global consensus document, the so-called Cairo Consensus, garnering the support of 179 countries at the International Conference on Population and …

Is diversity the key to measuring success?

Lucy Bernholz 1 December 2007 For Subscribers

What do public benefit, performance metrics and evolution all have in common? No, it is not just the tendency of some to dismiss them all as ‘merely theories’. It is that they all rely on …

The mixed impact of impact evaluation

David Bonbright 1 December 2007 For Subscribers

Impact evaluation is a reality in the non-profit world, as is evident from this issue of Alliance. We do not actually know, however, how those who work in the non-profit field perceive it. Do those …

Who influences giving to international development?

Cathy Pharoah 1 December 2007 For Subscribers

Private donor support for international development has been growing steadily. UK donors now give around £1 billion per annum, equal to one-quarter of the Government’s £4 billion in ODA, yet we know little about what …

Killing civil society with kindness?

Barry Knight 1 September 2007 For Subscribers

Since 1997, the Government in the UK has embarked on a remarkable experiment with the voluntary non-profit sector. Ministerial speeches have extolled the virtues of voluntary action. There has been more public money made available …