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So when do we start?

Jenny Hodgson 1 September 2008 For Subscribers

It’s well over a year now since the Global Fund for Community Foundations (GFCF) was launched on the path to becoming a fully-fledged institution. At that time, the Fund’s newly assembled Incubation Committee gathered in …

‘New’ philanthropy and international development

Robert Marten and Jan Martin Witte 1 September 2008 For Subscribers

When Warren Buffett donated US$30 billion to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, many commentators heralded a new age of philanthropy in the Carnegie and Rockefeller tradition. The ‘new’ philanthropy is not only global, it …

More than just an act of wealth transfer

Jed Emerson 1 September 2008 For Subscribers

Sevdalina Rukanova’s update on mission investing and its related issues (Alliance, September 2008) is a solid overview of the many and various discussions presently taking place in both the United States and Europe. However, as …

A coffee shop for the social capital market

Kevin Jones 1 September 2008 For Subscribers

Markets convene in conversations, not in taxonomies or on trading floors. That was true when investors in ships going to or coming from the spice islands convened in Amsterdam coffee shops to figure out how …

China dispatches

Olga Alexeeva 2 June 2008

I had dreamed about this trip for years. I read thick books about the history of China, watched films, learned strange-sounding names, and even bought a ‘crash course’ in Mandarin. My enthusiasm to learn Chinese …

Lighting the way to corporate philanthropy

Kelly Purdy and Marcie Smith 1 June 2008

It’s becoming more popular – and lucrative – for corporations to jump on the ‘fair trade’, ‘organic’ bandwagon, even if they ride on it only for a short while. As profit-driven jargon becomes more ubiquitous, …

Philanthropy resources around the world

Alliance magazine 1 June 2008 For Subscribers

Alliance is aiming to compile a list of resources for individual philanthropists around the world. What we have now is only a beginning – please help us complete the list. Information for donors Asia Pacific …

Who, how and where? The tricky business of giving to charities in developing countries

Cathy Langerman 1 June 2008 For Subscribers

How do donors decide what to give their money to in the developing world? Should they give small amounts to most charities that ask them for money? Should they help to build schools, clinics and …

Just Another Emperor? The myths and realities of philanthrocapitalism

Michael Edwards 1 April 2008

Over the last 12 months, the inbox of my computer – like yours, I suspect – has been deluged with news from conferences, speeches, newspaper articles and reports that promise to ‘save the world’ by …

Why not just change?

Diana Leat 1 April 2008 For Subscribers

‘Social justice philanthropy’ has been a recurring theme in Alliance – but what does it look like in practice? This was the question raised by some members of the Woburn Place Collaborative (WPC). WPC is …