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Companies, consumers, computers and condoms

Troy Kennedy 1 March 2009

Social networks like MySpace and Facebook are about more than just talking to friends. Recently they’ve organized ‘flashmobs’, helped bring back the Wispa bar, and played a crucial role in helping the first black president …

Will they pay?

Laura Starita 1 December 2008

When it comes to financial matters, few could argue that expert advice applied prudently could be a bad thing. This is as true of philanthropic investments as it is of stocks, yet until recently the …

Sifting through the debris

Alliance magazine 1 December 2008

Foundation endowments falling, governments watching the public spending pennies, donors of all kinds probably tightening their belts – the global financial and economic crisis is certain to affect the social sector, and at first glance …

What is a global fund to do?

Andrew Milner 1 December 2008

After months of consultations, there are still some questions being raised as to what sorts of entity the Global Fund for Community Foundations should be supporting. Should it be organizations that conform, or almost conform, …

Back to the future

Lucy Bernholz 1 December 2008

One of the best (and worst) parts of making educated guesses about the future is being called to answer for your predictions. In December 2007, I made five predictions for philanthropy in 2008. How did …

There are easier ways to get money – the ups and downs of the venture philanthropy experience

Ravinol Chambers 1 December 2008

In recent years, venture philanthropy (VP) has attracted much hype. It has been touted as a means of making ‘giving’ more effective and has sought to attract a generation of the self-made wealthy, particularly those …

Foundations’ role in development cooperation

Ann-Veruschka Jurisch 1 September 2008 For Subscribers

The role of foundations in the complex landscape of development is unclear. On the one hand, the number of foundations is constantly rising and mega-foundations like the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation dominate the public …

So when do we start?

Jenny Hodgson 1 September 2008 For Subscribers

It’s well over a year now since the Global Fund for Community Foundations (GFCF) was launched on the path to becoming a fully-fledged institution. At that time, the Fund’s newly assembled Incubation Committee gathered in …

‘New’ philanthropy and international development

Robert Marten and Jan Martin Witte 1 September 2008 For Subscribers

When Warren Buffett donated US$30 billion to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, many commentators heralded a new age of philanthropy in the Carnegie and Rockefeller tradition. The ‘new’ philanthropy is not only global, it …

More than just an act of wealth transfer

Jed Emerson 1 September 2008 For Subscribers

Sevdalina Rukanova’s update on mission investing and its related issues (Alliance, September 2008) is a solid overview of the many and various discussions presently taking place in both the United States and Europe. However, as …