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The indigenous peoples climate action fund

Rebecca Adamson and Scott Klinger 9 November 2009 For Subscribers

Responding to the scientific and social complexities of the climate crisis requires bringing all of humanity’s wisdom into the room and working in ways that build bridges across traditional boundaries. Foundation leadership must deploy a …

The barefoot approach to climate change

Stewart Allen 9 November 2009 For Subscribers

Mohandas Gandhi once said: ‘Be the change you wish to see in the world’. With that simple piece of wisdom, one man brought down the largest empire the world has ever seen. Global warming, on …

Help people keep a commitment to conservation

Timothy Ogden 9 November 2009 For Subscribers

Progress fighting climate change requires action by large numbers of people. That’s why funding advocacy for regulatory changes is popular. Let’s be honest though, even $10 million isn’t likely to be noticed among the vast …

Giving in India: are you wasting your money?

Adrian Fradd 1 October 2009

Giving in India is often said to be going through a boom, with registered foreign funding increasing by 150 per cent between 2003 and 2007. But scratch the surface and it is likely that much …

Philanthropy’s ‘Turkish models’

Filiz Bikmen 1 September 2009

As befits the first Turkish foundation to win the Raymond Georis Prize for Innovative Philanthropy in Europe, the Sabancı Foundation is paving the way for a new age of modern giving to strengthen an emergent …

Government contract proves undoing of Slovak community foundation

Alliance magazine 1 September 2009

Prešov Community Foundation faces financial ruin and closure because the country’s Ministry of Education has reneged on a contract it made with them to deliver a programme, forcing them to foot the bill for virtually …

Crisis watch: worldwide

Alliance magazine 1 September 2009

The worldwide financial crisis is showing few signs of improvement for the civil society sector, with donations down for NGOs from the US to Australia as foundations cut back and aid spending suffers in Africa …

Crisis watch: Europe

Alliance magazine 1 September 2009

Except for continued giving by wealthy individuals, Europe’s recession shows very few positive signs for foundations or charities, but the crisis is forcing innovation and new financial thinking. Alliance has reports from Russia, Spain, the …

Taking philanthropy to where communities are

Susan Wilkinson-Maposa and Alan Fowler 1 September 2009

The priority of ‘community’ in community philanthropy is seldom realized. A social action research programme in southern Africa, the Community Grantmaking and Social Investment Programme (CGSI),[1] explored ways in which this might be addressed. Based …

Crisis watch: worldwide

Alliance magazine 1 June 2009

The effect of the financial crisis around the world upon civil society, including its key foundation funders, remains unclear, with limited reports from Asia, Africa and the Americas. While the situation in the US is …