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Participatory grantmaking: Common parlance, but not yet common practice

Katy Love and Diana Samarasan 5 December 2023

Though the principles and practice of participatory grantmaking have made headway recently, the notion that funders know best is still prevalent While many assume the participation of communities affected by funding in philanthropy is a …

Collaboratively sharing power: reflecting on the Network of European Foundation’s approach 

Peggy Sailler, Markus Lux and Sophie Ngo Diep 28 November 2023

Rewatching the French New Age cinema classic, ‘The Contempt’ (le Mépris) offers an insight into our relationship with power. The film reflects upon the role and history of cinema and analyses how people react to …

How investment in Philippines’ social enterprises can help meet SDGs

Carlo Sagun and Philo Alto 21 November 2023

Leading figure in the Philippines’ social enterprise space, Professor Carlo Sagun of Bayan Innovation Group, and Asia Value Advisors’ founder Philo Alto, share how engaging the philanthropy sector and corporations can help social enterprises move the …

The politics of reparations: The path to racial equity requires more philanthropic investment

Tonyel Edwards, Aria Florant and Ivy Nyayieka 14 November 2023

Across the world, reparations have been employed to address a wide range of human rights injustices. Last year, New Zealand made reparations to the Ngāti Maru, one of its Indigenous peoples. After World War II, …

Towards a better definition of ‘agency’

Malik Aabid and Prachi Singhal 17 October 2023

‘These solar lights you brought are great, but we would have preferred solar-run coolers instead. You sit in an AC car, so you wouldn’t realise that in this extreme heat, it’s not the non-availability of …

The tensions in philanthropy’s agenda for transformation

Anna Hirsch-Holland 2 October 2023

As a partnership practitioner and adviser, I’ve been gratified to see that the call for greater collaboration in philanthropy continues to gain momentum. However, this is just one among many different, and equally important rallying …

Asian philanthropy: Differently does it…

Andrew Milner 5 September 2023 For Subscribers

The 2023 AVPN Global Conference in Kuala Lumpur illuminated how Asian philanthropy does not always operate in the same way as elsewhere One of the perennial fascinations of the AVPN conference is seeing the differences …

Peer dialogue: Funding the future of Africa

Françoise Nibizi and Susan Davis 5 September 2023

According to the UN Economic Commission for Africa, the Covid-19 pandemic pushed 62 million non-poor Africans into poverty and half of the continent’s population now lives below the poverty line. On the other hand, 22 …

Time for some quotas

Maja Spanu and Axelle Davezac 5 September 2023 For Subscribers

Since they work for business boards, would they be an opportunity for European foundations too? Should a time-limited quota be introduced in relation to gender diversity on foundations’ boards? When Alliance magazine’s editors asked us …

The ‘new’ pluralism and the common good

Bruce Sievers 5 September 2023 For Subscribers

There are two competing impulses at work in giving. The relationship between them forms a crucial part of modern philanthropy. To fulfil its potential the Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors’ ‘New Pluralists’ initiative should be mindful of …