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Belarus – testing ground for donors

Pavol Demes 1 September 2011

There is a country in EU’s neighbourhood which could be called a donor desert. Belarus. Not a single independent western donor is allowed to have an office here (most donor representatives would not get even …

Learning to see ‘invisible’ capacity

Rebecca Adamson 1 June 2011

Despite the expenditure of millions of dollars of aid, Indigenous Peoples throughout the world are getting poorer. Many in the philanthropic community believe this is because of a lack of capacity among Indigenous communities, which …

Leveraging passive capital for the benefit of the poorest

Alliance magazine 1 June 2011

Most people probably think that to provide economic opportunity to people in the developing world, you have to make some form of financial transaction which may or may not produce a financial return, or at …

JP Morgan has heralded impact investment as a distinct asset class – but is there a fly in the ointment?

Karl H Richter 21 April 2011

J P Morgan’s seminal report Impact Investments: An emerging asset class, published in November 2010, is the watershed proclamation that impact investment is going mainstream – so wherein lies the rub? J P Morgan has …

The ‘Tunisami’: some insights into events in the Arab region two months later

Atallah Kuttab 4 April 2011 For Subscribers

In my article in February 2011, I described the wave of protests triggered by events in Tunisia that was sweeping across the Arab region as a ‘Tunisami’. Then only Tunisian ruler Zein Ben Ali had …

Interview – Jane Wales

Alliance magazine 1 April 2011

Jane Wales founded the Global Philanthropy Forum ten years ago, with the aim of building a community of donors and social investors and enhancing strategic giving. Since then, the forum has grown from its Silicon …

For Bulgarian community foundations, the real work still lies ahead

Monika Pisankaneva 15 March 2011

In July 2010, the Mott Foundation set up a series of site visits to community foundations in Bulgaria and held follow-up discussions among community foundation experts and practitioners from Bulgaria, Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Romania, …

Nagging issues for Europe’s foundations

Helmut Anheier 1 March 2011

Europe could be the 21st-century heaven of philanthropy. Rich, diverse, open, at peace with itself, and with an unfinished project of uncertain future that stands unique in the world: the European Union. Certainly, not all …

Nagging Europe’s foundations through a friendly but distorted lens

Gerry Salole and Luc Tayart de Borms 1 March 2011

Helmut Anheier’s ‘nagging’ of European foundations is welcome, not least because it is refreshing and gratifying to have an expert of his ilk make such an important foray through what is for once a European …

Can community foundations lead community change?

Linetta Gilbert 1 March 2011

Almost a decade ago, the Ford Foundation embarked upon an ambitious strategy to demonstrate that community philanthropy organizations could function as effective agents to expand economic, racial and social equity in the US. The goal …