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Bringing together both ends of the spectrum in Asia

Doug Miller and Simon Chadwick 1 March 2013

A major philanthropic shift is under way in Asia. The growing numbers of newly wealthy are seeking more effective ways to create positive social change. Meanwhile, a major intergenerational transfer of wealth is occurring as …

Paul Hamlyn Foundation goes for ‘complete package’

Alliance magazine 1 March 2013

Founded 25 years ago, the Paul Hamlyn Foundation (PHF) has been funding in India since 1990. Recently, it has made some changes to its strategy there. In addition to supporting individual organizations, it will concentrate …

The power of the Crowd

Simon Schneider 1 March 2013

Even more than with the internet’s first incarnation in the mid-1990s, the emergence of ‘Web 2.0’ has led to fundamental changes in how we do just about everything. The ‘Crowd Web’ has helped to topple …

Divining a vision for Markets for Good

Buzz Schmidt 18 February 2013

The recently launched Markets for Good initiative, promoted by the Bill & Melinda Gates and William & Flora Hewlett Foundations and Liquidnet seeks to dramatically improve the information infrastructure for the ‘social sector’ to a …

The CEE Trust: a job well done?

Andrew Milner 1 December 2012

The Trust for Civil Society in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE Trust) winds up this month after just over ten years. A consortium of US grantmakers already active in the region (Atlantic Philanthropies, the C …

By what right…? Facilitating change in complex systems

Susanna Krueger and Kerstin Lehner 1 December 2012

Foundations, either directly or by implication, often attempt to change complex systems in which many actors – governments, communities, academics – are involved. From where do they derive the legitimacy to do this within a …

The European landscape of mission investing

David Imbert and Ivo Knoepfel 19 November 2012

The 2nd European Foundations Meeting on Mission Investing (held 7 November in Zurich, hosted by the EFC, Mistra, SwissFoundations and onValues) is indicative of a growing trend among European foundations to take mission investing seriously …

Balancing risk and opportunity

Adrian Sargeant and Rob Garris 1 September 2012

In March 2012 Resource Alliance and the Rockefeller Foundation commissioned a research project to investigate how philanthropists involved in international development assess and manage risk and how they might do this better. The starting point …

Bearing fruit: spotlight on social business in Brazil

Renata Truzzi and Lee Davis 1 September 2012

Brazilians are serious about their fruit. From abacaxi (pineapple) to maracujá (passion fruit), the seemingly endless array of fruits here can be both inspiring and overwhelming. But look in any supermarket and you will see …

Journey to impact: an open letter to emerging philanthropists

1 Fay Twersky 1 September 2012

We are in many respects entering a golden age of philanthropy. Inspired by peers, colleagues, friends and family, new philanthropists are emerging in record numbers. They have different interests and passions, but they all want …