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From grassroots to webroots: reshaping civil society?

Chris Worman 1 December 2013

A couple of years ago I got a call from a foundation seeking my opinion on a Romanian initiative. RoPot, the group in question, kept popping up in social media. They were inviting everyone to …

Waking up to risk taking in the global energy system

Jeremy Leggett 15 November 2013

The long-awaited fifth IPCC scientific assessment of climate change poses society with big questions, once again, about how to handle high-consequence but slow-burning risks. We have a worrying collective tendency to be blind to the …

Defending cross-border funding for civil society

David Moore and Jacob Zenn 1 September 2013

Constraints against foreign funding are on the rise. Law is the tool of choice to impede the flow of funds across borders. Since January 2012, more than 20 countries have proposed or enacted legal measures …

Making a splash about wells not working

Nicolas Borsinger 1 September 2013

An independent study conducted by a French NGO in Sierra Leone at the end of 2010, and funded by Pro Victimis Foundation, surveyed all existing water access points across three districts, documenting in detail the …

No time to falter: foundations in a changing landscape

Caroline Hartnell 19 August 2013

Introducing the Alliance Breakfast Club on 25 July, held in London and hosted by the Shell Foundation, Anthony Tomei, guest editor for the June special feature on ‘Philanthropy in a changing world economy’ and former …

Building a catalytic network

Pieter Oostlander and Kurt Peleman 1 June 2013

What is the future of venture philanthropy in Europe? And what is the role of the European Venture Philanthropy Association (EVPA) in this future? These questions preoccupied us while we were preparing our new strategic …

The programme officer’s dilemma

Nicholas Deychakiwsky 1 June 2013

A couple of years ago I read a fascinating article in Foundation Review by TCC Group’s Paul Connolly called ‘The Best of the Humanistic and Technocratic: Why the most effective work in philanthropy requires a …

From beneficiaries to decision-makers

Gabriele Störmann and Michael Alberg-Seberich 1 June 2013

Stakeholder involvement is one of the current buzz-phrases in philanthropy as more and more foundations are thinking about how to involve beneficiaries. But does it work? Research into youth giving programmes from around the world …

Why Markets For Good may go wrong

David Bonbright 15 May 2013

Back in June 2010 I was one of 46 self-described ‘top visionaries and practitioners’ in the broadly defined ‘markets for giving space’ who came together to explore how to create greater social impact through the …

Supporting the ‘best’ or the small and new? How to ensure value for money?

Mari Kuraishi 16 April 2013

Our mission at GlobalGiving is to catalyse a global market for ideas, information and money that democratizes aid and philanthropy. And the hallmark of markets is efficiency. Translated, we want to get the highest value …