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Angels, super angels and impact angels

Rob John 1 June 2014

When entrepreneurs grow their ventures beyond the resources of ‘friends and family’, they turn to outside investors for capital. Angel investors are wealthy individuals, usually experienced entrepreneurs, who provide capital for young companies during start-up …

From crowdfunding to crowdsourcing

Mari Kuraishi 1 June 2014

‘Don’t both of you wish you had Bill Gates’ money to solve the world’s problems?’ I was sitting with Matt Flannery, co-founder of Kiva, at his engagement party earlier this year when a woman sitting …

Research highlights deficiencies in environmental funding

Jon Cracknell, Florence Miller and Phil Murray 1 June 2014

Environmental giving from both UK and continental European foundations has grown in recent years, but the environment remains a low priority for foundations.This is the general conclusion of three reports published since November 2013. Where …

Systems-wide philanthropy for socio-economic transformation in Africa

Tendai Murisa 19 May 2014

Over the last decade and a half, ‘hopeless’ Africa has become Africa rising – at least economically. Unfortunately, this rise has carried few Africans with it. One of the biggest culprits is illicit financial flows. …

Virtuous circles: the growth of collective philanthropy in Asia

Rob John 1 March 2014

When America sneezes, Europe catches a cold, it was said of the 1929 Wall Street crash. In philanthropy, the US usually leads, Europe follows, and the rest of the world eventually catches up. In the …

Winner takes all in South East Asia?

Crystal Hayling, Rosalia Sciortino and Prapti Upadhyay 1 March 2014

Perhaps it was the unseasonably warm weather in Davos that caused the shift of attention at the World Economic Forum to challenges faced by the Global South and increasingly by developed nations: rising income and …

Impact investing: getting the pre-nups right

Arthur Wood 1 March 2014

This year has been hailed as the year that impact investing comes of age, with the G8 Report in September as the likely watershed. Having specialized in financial product development with Coutts and Kleinworts for …

Giving in Latin America: a question of culture

Daniel Q Kelley 1 March 2014

Why don’t Latin Americans make donations? After all, the continent now has a large formal civil society and its wealth has increased. The answer is partly to be found in the history of a region …

Lessons from a transatlantic partnership

1 March 2014

GrantCraft – an online and print resource for tapping and sharing the ‘practical wisdom’ of grantmakers – was launched as an operating programme of the Ford Foundation in 2001. Ten years later, the Foundation Center …

Social enterprise – the true legacy of Guo Mei Mei?

David Evans 1 December 2013

In 2011, philanthropy in China was rocked by a series of scandals, most notably that of Guo Mei Mei, a young woman whose parading of a ‘bling’ lifestyle while apparently associated with a highly respected …