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Building teams for innovation: a response to ‘Talent for Philanthropy’

3 Simon Willis 16 October 2014

I enjoyed reading the special feature on ‘Talent for philanthropy’. How we staff philanthropic organizations is an important topic for discussion, and it’s incredibly valuable to have carefully grounded contributions calling for increased effectiveness and …

When is transparency a really bad idea?

2 Jo Andrews 1 September 2014

Fashions in philanthropy can be every bit as startling as the catwalk: evaluation methods and grantmaking approaches change as fast as hemlines. But one fashion that is probably here to stay (a bit like men’s …

Legitimate inventions? When foundations create new organizations

Diana Leat 1 September 2014

In recent years there has been much discussion of foundations’ role in supporting very new organizations or those needing additional help for various reasons. The venture philanthropist supports what exists and is generally keen to …

The philanthropic ecosystem: forest or octopus?

Louise Hallman 1 September 2014

Ecosystems are complex. They incorporate living organisms like plants, non-living components such as water, and the complex interactions between these different elements which have varying impacts upon each other. Removal or expansion of one part …

What do impact investors most need to know?

Gayle Peterson 1 September 2014

In 2013, Oxford University’s Said Business School launched an impact investing programme. In the two courses we’ve completed, students have come from more than 20 different countries, representing organizations ranging from the World Bank, KPMG, …

Strategic or emergent: why are we stuck in the swimming pool?

Caroline Hartnell, Jenny Hodgson and Barry Knight 18 August 2014

Gerry Salole, chief executive of the European Foundation Centre, once commented: ‘Philanthropy tends to get stuck in the swimming pool, when the real action is in the sea.’ The recent controversy about strategic philanthropy and …

Impact investing in a democracy: A response to ‘Markets for Good: removing the barriers’

Joe Ludlow 15 July 2014

When I first started out in social impact investing, it was hard to find anyone writing or talking about it (apart from my boss at Venturesome, John Kingston). But the tables have turned, and in …

Ukraine: foundations, the crisis and the future

Andrew Milner 17 June 2014

Since the explosion of popular protest in Maidan Square, Ukraine has been riven by civil and political strife whose character and shape is often as difficult to discern as its eventual outcome. In this supercharged …

Angels, super angels and impact angels

Rob John 1 June 2014

When entrepreneurs grow their ventures beyond the resources of ‘friends and family’, they turn to outside investors for capital. Angel investors are wealthy individuals, usually experienced entrepreneurs, who provide capital for young companies during start-up …

From crowdfunding to crowdsourcing

Mari Kuraishi 1 June 2014

‘Don’t both of you wish you had Bill Gates’ money to solve the world’s problems?’ I was sitting with Matt Flannery, co-founder of Kiva, at his engagement party earlier this year when a woman sitting …