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The new generation of Swiss philanthropy

Etienne Eichenberger 29 November 2016

When she was 23, Anna’s* parents proposed to her and her three brothers aged 16, 18 and 21 that they engage in the family’s philanthropic activities. They were given a four-year budget and complete freedom …

Corporate foundations: last legs or new legs?

Charles Keidan and Andrew Milner 29 November 2016

‘A brave new world’ is how Michelle Wright of philanthropy consultancy Cause4 describes corporate foundations in a 2014 Huffington Post article. David Grayson of Cranfield University’s School of Management, on the other hand, strongly believes …

How corporate foundations in Colombia can contribute to a lasting peace

Carolina Suarez 29 November 2016

After more than six years of talks between the government and the FARC, the oldest and most violent guerrilla insurgency movement in Colombia, we are facing a historical moment. The narrow failure of the plebiscite …

The new African philanthropy

Elizabeth Coleman, and Halima Mahomed 22 November 2016

African philanthropic institutions are demonstrating how donors can more effectively foster independent action and strengthen movements for change. This different approach may hold the key to durable development on the continent. Although many donors recognize that …

Foundations and cities: adding purpose to urban development

Oscar Fergutz and Marcela Mondino 18 October 2016

Back in 1976, when Habitat I was held in Vancouver, most institutions, including governments and academia were unaware of the impact of urbanization on development. By the time of Habitat II in Istanbul 20 years …

Does philanthropy have too much influence? A scholar’s perspective

Noomi Weinryb 11 October 2016

The September issue of Alliance grapples with a central dilemma of philanthropy: to what extent should philanthropists influence government policy? When, if ever, does this influence become problematic? Within research on philanthropy, the answer to …

Philanthropy Australia conference: is philanthropy future ready?

Alliance magazine 4 October 2016

Alliance is proud to have been part of the media coverage for this year’s Philanthropy Australia National Conference, in Sydney, Australia. We provided coverage of the event from: Ferdi Hepworth, Director of Partnerships at Social Ventures Australia. Sandra …

Alliance Breakfast Club – How much influence does philanthropy have?

Alliance magazine 27 September 2016

This month’s Alliance breakfast club, kindly hosted by Charities Aid Foundation (CAF), brought together foundation professionals, academics and NGOs to discuss the nature of philanthropic influence and what limits, if any, should be imposed. Alliance …

Philanthropy’s bankers: why do banks offer advice on philanthropy?

Andrew Milner and Charles Keidan 6 September 2016

The Financial Times noted in 2012 that ‘in less than a decade, philanthropy offices have become an integral part of the world’s largest private banks and wealth management providers’. Among those cited by the article …

20 years of Alliance: an insiders’ story

Andrew Milner 23 August 2016

It’s twenty years since the first issue of Alliance. Much has happened in the meantime, both to the magazine and the world it reports on and tries to represent. This account looks at its progress, …