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What makes an effective foundation?

1 Alliance magazine 20 February 2018

Welcome to the fourth Alliance Audio. This is the latest in a new series debating key issues in philanthropy with guests from across the foundation world. In this podcast Alliance editor Charles Keidan hosts a discussion with Dan Corry, chief executive of …

Philanthropy in China: It’s time for the teachers to learn

He Jin 6 February 2018

Beijing, China ‘Giving someone fish is not as good as teaching him fishing. For giving a man a fish can feed him for a day, but teaching him to fish can feed him for a …

Alliance Breakfast Club: #PhilanthropyMedia

Emily Hurley 30 January 2018

The most recent Alliance breakfast panel hosted by CAF at their headquarters near London’s Fleet Street, featured a stellar panel debating the relationship between philanthropy and the media, the topic of Alliance’s December 2017 issue. …

Co-Impact: well-endowed, but can it shift the power?

1 Alliance magazine 23 January 2018

Towards the end of last year, foundations and philanthropists including the Rockefeller Foundation, Richard Chandler, Bill and Melinda Gates, Jeff Skoll and Romesh and Kathy Wadhwani, launched the Co-impact initiative, a collaboration to bring ‘large-scale, …

Philanthropy should fund the media for its own sake

Rhodri Davies and Fran Yeoman 9 January 2018

Many are starting to ask whether general support for journalism as an end in itself should constitute a valid focus of philanthropy; given the recently renewed acceptance of the idea that news gathering and reporting …

Walk with us, not over us: how to build philanthropy’s social license

Krystian Seibert 12 December 2017

Melbourne, Australia Australian philanthropy’s work alongside indigenous people can serve as an example of respectful relationships. At its best, philanthropy challenges the prevailing culture and expectations in societies around the world. When so much of …

Does philanthropy need a new story? 

Oksana Oracheva and Barry Knight 5 December 2017

A quiet revolution is under way in philanthropy. There is growth in unexpected places, a proliferation of new organizational forms, increased scepticism about the Anglo-American model, and a fine balance between large opportunities and unprecedented threats. These trends point in …

What is philanthropy infrastructure for?

1 Andrew Milner 5 December 2017

The featured topic of the June 2018 issue of Alliance will be the evolution of philanthropy infrastructure – the organizations underpinning philanthropy worldwide. As the world changes, how can infrastructure organizations help philanthropy navigate and …

The SDGs: a call to collective action

Myles Wickstead 28 November 2017

The SDGs are universal – they apply everywhere and to everyone. So where does philanthropy come in? Let’s begin with a bit of history. The broad framework for aid and development from 2000 to 2015 …

A conflict of interests: when foundations invest in arms and tobacco

2 Laura Starita and Timothy Ogden 21 November 2017

How much good must a foundation do in order to justify investments in companies whose products cause harm? Take the Rockefeller Foundation, which invests some of its assets with Cerberus Capital Management, an American private …