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A journey to community philanthropy in Zambia

Barbara Nost and Tarisai Jangara 29 May 2018

If the old vessel is foundering, don’t cling to the wreckage – build a new boat In 2011, Zambia was classified as a low-middle-income country, which had many economic and other implications for the country. …

The Philanthropy Canvas: Evaluating a foundation’s operating model

Donzelina Barroso and Olga Tarasov 29 May 2018

As part of an ongoing initiative to help the philanthropic sector more deeply understand the Theory of the Foundation, Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors recently developed an analytical framework to help foundations to engage in self-evaluation and …

The state of Asian philanthropy

Mark Sidel 15 May 2018

Despite the title of this article, can there be said to be a ‘state’ of Asian philanthropy? One of the sector’s most obvious traits is its diversity but some trends and issues seem discernibly common. …

How philanthropy infrastructure can promote evidence-based giving

Aurelia Kassatly 8 May 2018

Evidence-based philanthropy is more talked about than done. Philanthropy support organisations can help to remedy this. Though evidence-based giving and data-driven philanthropy have become buzzwords in the sector, they have yet to be widely practised …

Alliance Breakfast Club: #DiasporaPhilanthropy

Emily Hurley 1 May 2018

Alliance‘s quarterly breakfast panel, hosted for the first time at London’s Mosaic Rooms, included a lively and diverse panel to discuss the magazine’s March 2018 issue, which focuses on diaspora philanthropy and its global role. …

Should philanthropy be doing better?

Alliance magazine 24 April 2018

Welcome to the fifth Alliance Audio. This is the latest in a new series debating key issues in philanthropy with guests from across the foundation world. In the fifth Alliance audio podcast editor Charles Keidan hosts a …

A Revolution of Capital

2 Clara Miller 10 April 2018

Institutional philanthropy, whose self-appointed roles include providing risk capital for society, leading transformational change and addressing society’s greatest challenges, has not kept up and adjusted to the times. If we want philanthropy to stay relevant …

Asian giving circles come of age

Rob John 6 March 2018

Recent studies from the US, Europe and Asia have found a surge in the growth of giving circle membership. Not only that, our latest research from Asia supports those studies in suggesting that participation in …

New approaches to scale: make sure the talk turns to action

Donzelina Barroso and Naamah Paley Rose 6 March 2018

Issues that have classically been addressed through public policy – issues such as ocean warming, migration, and the increased pressure on urban areas – are now more global and interconnected in nature. They require different …

Foundations at scale

Andrew Milner 6 March 2018

What do we mean by scaling up interventions? The Alliance website uses the following definition: ‘The ability to expand programmes, projects or ideas in collaboration with other foundations and/or government, business and civil society.’ The …