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Wealth and philanthropy in Russia

Elisabeth Schimpfössl 4 December 2018

Wealthy Russians are increasingly giving to charity, but their choice is often informed by political and social expediency Since the turn of the century, philanthropic giving by Russia’s rich has seen extraordinary growth. However, their …

A new paradigm for capacity building

Connor Diemand-Yauman 4 December 2018

Philanthropy University is pioneering new ways of using data to identify the capacity needs of valuable but neglected local CSOs As a global community, we often mobilise around visible crises: epidemics, child marriage and environmental …

Olga and onwards

Andrew Milner 27 November 2018

The Olga Alexeeva Memorial Prize was inaugurated in 2013 to reward and stimulate the development of philanthropy in emerging market economies. How has philanthropy fared in the countries from which Prize nominees have come over …

Foundation transparency – how far should we go?

Krystian Seibert 20 November 2018

Foundation transparency – how far should we go? Earlier this year, a call from New Philanthropy Capital for foundations to be more transparent sparked some lively debate. NPC’s proposal, contained in its response to a …

Interview: Fran Perrin, Founder of Indigo Trust and 360Giving

Alliance magazine 13 November 2018

In this podcast, We’re joined by the philanthropist and social entrepreneur, Fran Perrin. Fran is the founder and director of the Indigo Trust, one of a network of 18 trusts established by Sainsbury family members …

Transformative…but for good or ill? Corporate philanthropy in India in the era of mandatory CSR

Andrew Milner 6 November 2018

Over the last five years, Indian corporate philanthropy has been transformed by the introduction of mandatory CSR contributions for companies over a certain size, so much so that, to all intents and purposes, the one …

Alliance Breakfast Club: #MuslimPhilanthropy

Amy McGoldrick 30 October 2018

Alliance magazine’s Breakfast Club was hosted by the Paul Hamlyn Foundation on a bright, yet freezing London morning. The audience was illuminated by a thought-provoking and powerful panel on Muslim philanthropy, with speakers Fozia Irfan …

How domestic philanthropy can transform the Balkans

Nathan Koeshall 9 October 2018

In the countries of the Western Balkans, shaking off long-standing socialist traditions where the state provides for all, can a culture of personal or collective philanthropy emerge at the same pace as democratic and market-oriented …

Social enterprise is eroding civil society

3 Amitabh Behar 25 September 2018

An incisive editorial cartoon shows Mahatma Gandhi being read a letter stating that his funding proposal for spinning cloth is being rejected because the link between the proposal and the struggle against the British empire …

The future of impact investing: a view from Asia

Andrew Milner 4 September 2018

Within philanthropy circles, people are beginning to look beyond grants to the creation of a package of what might be called social finance, which will not only be bigger but will involve the kind of …