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The state of French philanthropy

2 Andrew Milner 5 March 2019

It’s an auspicious moment for philanthropy in France but the sector is still finding its feet In May, the European Foundation Centre will hold its annual conference in Paris and 2019 also marks the 50th …

There’s no democracy without protest

Melissa Spatz 5 March 2019

Threats to the right to protest have caught the liberal funding community in the US unprepared, but the response is gathering momentum Threats to freedom of assembly are growing in the United States. We have …

How has philanthropy changed (or not) in emerging markets?

Alliance magazine 26 February 2019

Alliance magazine and global infrastructure network WINGS came together for their first joint webinar of the year. This webinar was an opportunity for finalists of the Olga Alexeeva Memorial Prize – and therefore recognised leaders …

Systems change at scale

2 Alliance magazine 19 February 2019

In the eighth Alliance audio podcast, Charles Keidan discusses what it means to conduct philanthropy ‘at scale’ with Rakesh Rajani of Co-Impact and Donzelina Barroso of Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors. Not content to simply fund projects, …

Alliance Breakfast Club: #RoyalPhilanthropy

Amy McGoldrick 5 February 2019

Delegates and panellists stoically shuffled in from the bitter cold and snowy street-slush into The Loft at The Club at the Ivy, to take part in an informative and insightful Breakfast Club on Royal Philanthropy. …

Beneficiaries in charge

2 Cullagh Warnock and Samantha Rennie 29 January 2019

A charitable fund set up to benefit women and girls in the UK is using participatory grantmaking to allocate its Justice and Equality Fund. When Rosa (UK) was asked to deliver a crowd-funded programme to …

Reforming CAP: funders collaborating to change the future of food and agriculture in Europe

Inga Wachsmann 22 January 2019

For food and agricultural policies in the European Union to become sustainable, systemic reform of the current Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) is needed. This is the basis for the EFC’s funder collaborative, the European Foundations …

Funding African movements? Philanthropic revolutions needed first.

1 Halima Mahomed 8 January 2019

#Occupy; #BlackLivesMatter, #TimesUp – hands up if you are familiar with these movements. Le Balai Citoyen, Lucha, Y’en a Marre or Abahlali baseMjondolo. How many have heard of these? What about the Calama Revolution or …

Two steps forward, one step back in Vietnam

Dana R. H. Doan and Phuong Anh Nguyen 4 December 2018

The development of favourable conditions for philanthropy in Vietnam is not keeping pace with the potential generosity of its people Mutual assistance and charitable acts in times of need is a Vietnamese tradition, and an …

African philanthropy comes to the policy table

Lisa-Anne Julien 4 December 2018

Foundations are increasingly prepared to join forces with government to achieve strategic policy improvements Philanthropy, or the act of giving, finds itself on an exciting cusp in contemporary Africa. While the term ‘philanthropy’ may still …