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Window of opportunity for women’s funds

1 Elizabeth Gillespie 3 March 2020

The time is ripe to push for gender equality and social change. Women’s funds hold the key When Melinda Gates made her groundbreaking pledge of $1 billion to address gender equality in the US last …

Four issues set to dominate the decade

Max Rutherford 3 March 2020

As the ground shifts under our feet, the foundation sector has some major issues to face in the 2020s. In a UK context, the following are among the most pressing Civil society will face many …

Double advantage: To be effective, Indigenous peoples’ movement must give women a greater role

Rukka Sombolinggi 25 February 2020

Even within Indigenous peoples’ movements, Indigenous women sometimes still struggle to make their voices heard. When I got married my husband, Mansur Labada, forbade me to make money. I was pregnant with our third child …

For the immensity of the sea

Shloka Nath 28 January 2020

A new cross-sector initiative is developing a collective and distinctively Indian response to the climate crisis. My father has often said if I want to build a ship, I should bring people together, not to …

Alliance Breakfast Club: #FeministPhilanthropy

Amy McGoldrick 17 December 2019

Over one hundred guests arrived to hear three perspectives on feminist philanthropy from leading, thoughtful practitioners. Alliance’s Feminist Philanthropy Breakfast Club was hosted for the first time at the Aga Khan Centre, courtesy of the …

Participatory grantmaking: can we afford not to do it?

Dr Stellah Wairimu Bosire, Rose Longhurst, Katy Love and Diana Samarasan 10 December 2019

Participatory grantmaking is a promising way to practise a more just and equitable approach to philanthropy, though implementing it requires considerable readjustment of both attitudes and ways of working. In this article, we – practitioners …

Stars to steer by

David Bonbright 3 December 2019

New destinations require new navigational tools. Four very different books from within the ‘social change’ profession highlight the complexities of achieving systemic transformation of the current economic and political orders  A significant reassessment of our …

Transforming the CSR landscape

Mary Fifield and Sonali George 3 December 2019

A new Microsoft fund illustrates how companies can engage with communities where they have operations to help create real change Recently, Business Roundtable leaders acknowledged that corporations have a responsibility to benefit not just shareholders …

Ups and downs of celebrity foundations

Jenny Santi 3 December 2019

Being or being associated with a celebrity philanthropist has both advantages and drawbacks when attracting attention to social causes Celebrities as magnets Although there is no shortage of cynics who categorically dismiss celebrities as only …

10 years of the World Giving Index: what have we learned?

Alliance magazine 19 November 2019

Alliance magazine, global infrastructure network WINGS and the Charities Aid Foundation (CAF) came together for their first joint webinar to discuss the 10th anniversary of the World Giving Index. This hour-long event discussed the use …